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Summer Term 2015

Author Title of the Master Thesis
Linda Brandes Scandal 2.0? An Empirical Analysis of Virtual Outrage on the Basis of Scandalization Research
Marie-Lena Dieckmann Europe in the European Election? - An Analysis of Election Videos of Political Parties in International Comparison
Johanna Hartung Mobile Communication in Sub-Saharan Africa - An empirical analysis of use patterns in The Gambia
Melanie Neumann Between Goodwill and the Yearn for Self-Display in the Media - Motives for Participation in Viral (Charity) Campaigns Based on the Example of the Ice Bucket Challenge
Maximiliane Schäffer Crowdsourced Election Monitoring: An Explorative Study on the Democratic and Mobilizing Potential of New Information and Communication Technologies Based on the Example of the Open-Source Platform Ushahidi
Sara Marie Sperling Media Disenchantment and Online Journalism. An Empirical Study on the Hostile Media Effect Based on the Example of Pegida