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Jour-Fixe-Programme Fall Semester 2017/18

Jour-Fixe Programme Fall Semester

11, October 2017

Unions and their role in the German Job market

Klaus Pankau, managing director of WISAG and former chairman of the IG Berlin-Brandenburg

11, October, 2018

foundations for Science

Dr. Christoph Mecking, managing director Institut für Stiftungsberatung

25, October 2017

CORRECTIV: charitable journalism

Dr. Chrsitian Humborg, curator and former managing director of CORRECTIV

01, November, 2017

Germany after the election

Dr. Gero Neugebauer, party researcher

08, November, 2017

Jour fixe on site: Participation at the government press conference in the Haus der Bundespressekonferenz

15, November, 2017

Speaking about every day life in the GDR

Michael Zobel, Zeitzeugenbörse e.V.

22, November, 2017

citizen rights in the digital world

Constanze Kurz, netzpolitik.org

29, November, 2017

Opposition in the GDR

Rainer Eppelmann, chairman of the Bundesstiftung zur Aufarbeitung der SED-Diktatur

06, December, 2017

The difference between PR and Journalism

Christoph Fischoeder, communication consultant

13, December, 2018

About the impact of the Stasi- documentation authorities 27 years after the German Unity

Dagmar Hovestädt, Head of Public Relations of the Stasi-Unterlagen-Behörde Berlin

20, December, 2017

The legal system in Germany

Matthias Deller, director of the district court Königs Wusterhausen

10, January, 2018

financing culture in Germany

Bernward Tuchmann, culture consultant

17, January, 2018

Jour fixe on site: information visit at the editorial staff of the NRZ Sachsenstraße 30, 45128 Essen

24, January, 2018

history in the river- the Elbe (lecture)

Uwe Rada, book author and journalist

31, January, 2018

refugee movements to Europe

Pauline Endres de Oliveira,  board member at Amnesty International

07, Februrary, 2018


Between rise and fall- media in between platform capitalism

Dr. Christian Humborg, member of the board of trustees at COORECTIV

14, Februrary 2018

perspectives of the European Union between Brexit and extension

Dr. Ulrich Brückner, Stanford University Berlin

21 Februrary, 2018

Where does Turkey head to?

Prof. Dr. Alsparslan Yenal, politics researcher