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Working Group Medical Anthropology I Global Health

The working group consists of staff members and PhD students of the Institute of Anthropology and affiliated medical anthropologists. In the regular meetings and workshops, current research projects in medical anthropology are discussed and theoretical questions are further developed. Participation in the meetings (every second Thursday 18:00-20:00) and workshops is by arrangement with Prof. Hansjörg Dilger (contact: hansjoerg.dilger@berlin.de). Appointment coordination via Marcos Andrade Neves (contact: marcos.fan@fu-berlin.de)

Dates summer term 2024

 02.05.2024  Veronika Siegl (Universität Wien)  Book Launch of her book Intimate Strangers. Commercial Surrogacy in Russia and Ukraine and the Making of Truth. Ithaka, NY: Cornell University Press (2023).
 30.05.2024  PamelaFeldman-Savelsberg (Carleton College)  Memory Genealogies and Public Health: Authoritarianism and COVID-19 Rumors in Cameroon
 06.06.2024  Stefan Reinsch (Centre for Educational Research & Centre for Health Service Research, Brandenburg Medical School - Theodor Fontane, Neuruppin)  Tensions in the Professional Identity Formation in the Context of Obesity Care: A Study of Primary Care Physicians and Patients in Rural Germany
 13.06.2024  Anika König (Freie Universität Berlin)  TBA
 20.06.2024  Max Schnepf (Freie Universität Berlin)  PrEPped Intimacies in Berlin
 27.06.2024  Kathrin Bauer (Freie Universität Berlin)  ADHD – a disorder of context?
 04.07.2024  Ursula Probst (Freie Universität Berlin)  Buchpräsentation „Prekäre Freizügigkeiten“ im Schwulen Museum (in German, at 7 p.m.)
 11.07.2024  Caroline Meier zu Biesen (Universität Leipzig)  NCDs and the resourcification of traditional medicine in Zanzibar


Berlin Southern Theory Lecture