Dr. Glaucia Maricato

Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology
Research Area Medical Anthropology I Global Health
Research Associate (Marie Curie Sklodowska Fellow) (Prof. Dr. Hansjörg Dilger)
Research project "The uncounted lives of people affected by leprosy in Brazil"
Glaucia Maricato is a Marie Sklodowska-Curie Fellow at the Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology at Free University Berlin where she develops a two-year research project on the ontological politics of leprosy elimination.
She holds a Ph.D. in Social Anthropology from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul. Before completing her doctorate, she has held a visiting fellowship at the University of Michigan.
Since 2012 she has been working on the scientific, political, historical and social aspects of leprosy through an intense schedule of academic readings, ethnographic fieldworks and collaborations with teams of university researchers and activists from different countries. Her area and research interests include anthropology of science and technology, feminist studies of science and technology, medical anthropology, practices of evidence making, forms of governance, infrastructure and governance, human rights.
Research area/interest
- Anthropology of science and technology
- feminist studies of science and technology
- medical anthropology
- practices of evidence making
- infrastructure and governance
2015-2019: PhD, Social Anthropology
Department of Anthropology, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS/Brazil)
Supervisor Dr. Claudia Lee Williams Fonseca
2017-2018: Visiting Scholar at the University of Michigan (UM/USA)
Supervisor Dr. Alexandra Minna Stern
2015: MA, Social Anthropology
Department of Anthropology, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS/Brazil)
Supervisor Dr. Claudia Lee Williams Fonseca
2014-2015: Guest at Ghent University (UGhent/Belgium)
Supervisor Dr. Raf Vanderstraeten
2008-2013: BA, Social Sciences
Department of Anthropology, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul
2010 Exchange student at National University of Litoral (UNL/Argentina)
Awards and scholarships
2020 Prêmio PPGAS-UFRGS de Teses e Dissertações (PhD dissertation)
2015-2019 Ph.D. scholarship: Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
2017-2018 Research Fellowship, Travel Grant: University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, US
2014-2015 Training Scholarship, Erasmus travel grant: Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium
2013-2014 MA scholarship: Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
2012 UFRGS Undergraduate Award, UFRGS, Brazil
2010 Mercosur Scholarship Program, Travel Grant: National University of Litoral, Argentina
- Society for Social Studies of Science (4S)
- World Anthropological Union (WAU)
- Brazilian Association of Anthropology (ABA)
- Research Group “Sciences in Life” (PPGAS/UFRGS)
Research project
The uncounted lives of people affected by leprosy in Brazil
Drawing on ideas, concepts and discussions in medical anthropology, science and technology studies (STS), feminist science studies and STS applied to health, this project explores how visibility and invisibilities are created in the field of leprosy control throughout the process of classification and quantification. In particular, it examines the temporary, agreed-upon, nature of leprosy-elimination’s metrics and its long-term impact on people’s lives in Brazil. In short, this project reflects on the ontological politics of leprosy elimination.
Books and Editorships
2017 (with C. Fonseca, L. Besen and L. Costa, eds.) Ciência, Medicina e Perícia nas Tecnologias de Governo. 1ed. ed. Porto Alegre: CEGOV.
Journal Articles
2020 “Entre uma nova epidemia e uma velha endemia: Notas sobre as ações dos movimentos de pessoas atingidas pela hanseníase ao longo da pandemia da COVID-19”. In: Revista Cadernos de Campo Cadernos De Campo (São Paulo - 1991) 29 (supl): 163-172.
2018 (with A. Custódio) “Sequestro e negligência como política de Estado: Experiências da segunda geração de atingidos pela hanseníase”. In: Revista Saúde em Redes 4 (1supl): 53-168.
2015 (with C. Fonseca, F. Biondi and L. Schuller-Faccini) “Project REENCONTRO: ethical aspects of genetic identification in families separated by the compulsory isolation of leprosy patients in Brazil”. In: Journal of Community Genetics, 6 (3):215-222.
2013 “Criando comunidade: emoção, reconhecimento e depoimentos de sofrimento”. In: Interseções Revista de Estudos Interdisciplinares, 15 (2): 252-274.
Book chapters
Forthcoming: “Fábulas do fim: classificações e consequências no campo da saúde”.
2018 “Os muros do Estado: Dos limites da política reparatória aos atingidos pela hanseníase”. In: Sônia Maluf and Érica Quináglia (eds.) Estado, Políticas e agenciamentos sociais em saúde. Florianópolis: Coleção Brasil Plural.
2017 “Combate ao Mycobacterium leprae: saberes e intervenções”. In: Denise Jardim (ed.) Promessas e Incertezas da Ciência. Porto Alegre: Cegov, 19-46.
2015 “Ordenando sujeitos: histórias performadas da lei nº11.520/2007”. In: Helena Machado and Claudia Fonseca (eds.) Ciência, Identificação e Tecnologias de Governo. Porto Alegre: CEGOV, 96-120.
Other publications
Forthcoming: (with V. Richter) "O que fazem os números? Produções, usos e efeitos da quantificação da vida cotidiana." In: Mediações - Revista de Ciências Sociais.
2021 “Lessons from Brazil”. In: Goodwill Ambassador's Newsletter, The Nippon Foundation.
2020 with Fonseca, Claudia. “Bodies, collectivities and forms of knowledge: Leprosy through the lens of critical epidemiology”. In: Itiwana Journal, Leiden University.
2017 “A hanseníase tem cura: reflexões sobre um objeto”. VI Reunião de Antropologia da Ciência e da Tecnologia, Universidade de São Paulo.
2016 “No rastro de uma co-produção: lepra como doença contagiosa e de isolamento obrigatório”. 30ª Reunião Brasileira de Antropologia, Universidade Federal da Paraíba.
2014 “Direitos Humanos, papéis e hanseníase: múltiplos testemunhos na produção de provas da internação compulsória”. 29ª Reunião Brasileira de Antropologia, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte.
2013a “A Dilma também é mãe: economias morais na produção de direitos”. Doing Gender - Current Challenges of Feminisms, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina.
2013b “Economia moral e a produção de direitos”. X Reunião de Antropologia do Mercosul, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Argentina.