Klaus Jacob and Holger Bär present research about climate mitigation and adaptation technology needs in emerging economies and developing countries
News from Jul 01, 2014
On June 30th, Dr. Klaus Jacob and Holger Bär presented research findings about technology needs of emerging economies and developing countries for climate mitigation and adaptation technologies at the German Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy and discussed the findings with German government’s working group on climate technology transfer.
In the context of UNFCCC, the “Technology Mechanism” supports the transfer of climate mitigation and adaptation technologies to Non-Annex I countries, in order to contribute to climate change mitigation and adaption. Borderstep and the FFU analyzed the needs for climate protection and adaption technologies of 30 countries to identify the most important sectors and technologies, to analyze connection between the demand for specific technologies and countries’ characteristics and capacities in order to foster technology transfer and thus climate protection and adaptation.
The recommendations cover both German activities in international cooperation in various sectors and various fields (foreign trade promotion as well as development cooperation), as well as the Technology Mechanism on the international level. The findings were presented to and discussed by the German working group on climate technology transfer, a network composed by actors from various technology fields, government ministries and international development agencies.
Find more information on the project, please take a look at: http://www.polsoz.fu-berlin.de/polwiss/forschung/systeme/ffu/forschung-alt/projekte/laufende/13_Marktstudie-BMWi/index.html