New study on the employment effects of a Green Economy
The study Green Jobs: Impacts of a Green Economy on Employment by Klaus Jacob, Holger Bär and Rainer Quitzow is now available online.
News from Mar 16, 2015
The study for the GIZ that was already published in German in 2014 is now available in English as well. It gives an overview of the international debate on issues related to green jobs and the green economy and the associated definitions, concepts and measurement approaches. The study provides an overview of the central instruments for promoting a green economy and employment in it and integrates them in an overall taxanomy. The authors discuss the role of the accompanying employment and labour market policy instruments and present the most important methods for identifying and assessing the employment impacts of a greening of the economy. On that basism, a series of recommendations for action are formulated to promote employment within the framework of green economy strategies for the context of development cooperation.