New GIZ-project on employment effects of renewable energies and energy efficiency in MENA-countries
In cooperation with Adelphi Research, Dr. Klaus Jacob and Holger Bär of the FFU support the German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ) in its project RE-ACTIVATE: Technical Cooperation with GIZ’s regional project on employment promotion through renewable energies and energy efficiency in Northern Africa and the Middle East.
News from Feb 03, 2015
The countries of North Africa and the Middle East (MENA states) have very favourable natural conditions for the successful use of renewable energies. Yet, fossil fuels dominate their energy markets. Similarly, energy efficiency potentials are left unused. The FFU will investigate international examples of good practices in various segments of renewable energies and applications for energy efficiency from emerging economies and developing countries. The case studies will help to identify factors for the success of these countries and will provide insight regarding the transferability of these success factors to MENA countries. The research will ultimately support the GIZ’s REACTIVATE project and the MENA countries in developing strategies and policy measures that support the creation of functioning markets with significant employment effects in these countries. Beyond the analysis of good practice cases, the FFU is involved in developing a toolbox that will serve as an inventory for gathered knowledge and link it to actors in the region as well as capacity building measures.