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New Berlin Sustainability Talk

New BST-events in June and July

News from Jun 21, 2016

The Berlin Sustainability Talk is a brownbag meeting, where mainly researchers and PhD-Candidates of the Environmental Policy Research Centre present their curent work.

It is open to the public.

Upcoming events during the summer semester are:

  • Tue 14. June 2016, 2pm Contemplative Pedagogical Practices in Global and Environmental Education, Karen Litfin
  • Tho 30. June 2016, 2pm People, Progress and Participation, Philipp Lepenies
  • Wed 06. July 2016, 12pm Think Tanks and the Wicked Problem of Sustainable Development, Andreas Kraemer
  • Wed 13. July 2016, 12pm The Effectiveness of Climate Protection Policies in the Context of International Policy and Legal Transfer, Jose Felix

Freie Universität Berlin
Forschungszentrum für Umweltpolitik
Raum 3.1c
Ihnestr. 22
14195 Berlin