Anniversary festivities from April 25-29: FFU, SchülerUni and Hochschultage
News from Apr 25, 2016
FFU is happy to announce three different festivities in the week from April 25:
On April 26, FFU is celebrating its 30th birthday with a conference about the future of environmental policy in Freie Universität's Seminar Center (Program). The German Minister for the Environment, Ms Barbara Hendricks, will give a keynote address. All places for the conference are booked, but you will find a documentation afterwards on this website. Please click here for more information about the conference
On April 27 and 28, Schools@University (SchülerUni) is celebrating its 10th birthday with a conference for teachers and multiplicators, the Berliner Bildungs- und Vernetzungsforum "BildungVielfaltZukunft" at FU Berlin. Please click here for the program and further information. (in German)
In addition, the students' initiative SUSTAIN IT! invites everybody to visit their events and activities during the "Hochschultage für Nachhaltigkeit" from April 25 to April 29 in FU's main building. The topic is sustainable lifestyle in various fields such as nutrition and clothing. Please click here for more information