15th of May: Workshop of the Horizon 2020 WinWind Project in the Henry Ford building
News from May 08, 2019
The Environmental Policy Research Centre of the Freie Universität Berlin und Seecon Ingenieure, who coordinate the country desk of the Horizon 2020 project WinWind, invite everyone interested in the subject of acceptance for wind energy on May 15 to Berlin. The meeting of the German Country Desk will take place from 11:30 am to 5:15 pm in the Academic Senate Hall of the Henry Ford Building of Freie Universität Berlin, Garystraße 35, 14195 Berlin-Dahlem. The draft agenda can be downloaded here (German only).
WinWind explores barriers and drivers for social acceptance for wind energy in regions with relatively low wind energy expansion in six European partner countries, and aims to contribute to the socially and environmentally sound market uptake of wind energy.
In addition to current project results such as the selected best practices on measures enhancing social acceptance of wind energy and the planned transfer of best practices between WinWind countries, the event will discuss current state and federal policy developments.
Contact: Dr. Rosaria Di Nucci (dinucci@zedat.fu-berlin.de) and Michael Krug (mikru@zedat.fu-berlin.de).