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Environmental Policy Integration and Multi-level Governance (EPIGOV)

Principal Investigator:
[Projektleitung verlinken]

Research Team:

European Commission (FP6)
Feb 01, 2006 — Jan 31, 2009
Contact Person:
Dr. Klaus Jacob

Project partners:

Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI),
Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei (FEEM),
Institute for European Environmental Policy (IEEP),
European Institute of Public Administration (EIPA),
Programme for Research and Documentation for a Sustainable Society, University of Oslo (UiO),
The University Institute of European Studies , Institut Universitari d’Estudis Europeus (IUEE),
Department of Geography at the University of Aegean Lesvos, Greece (UA),
Central European University (CEU),
Department of Environmental Economics at the University of Economics Prague,
Estonian Institute for Sustainable Development, Stockholm Environment Institute Tallinn Centre (SEI-Tallin),
Department of Environmental Economics: Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME),
The Fridjof Nansen Institute (FNI),
Centre for Social and Economic Research on the Global Environment, University of East Anglia (UEA),
Institute for Environmental Studies, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam (IVM-VU),
Wuppertal Institute (WI),
Universität Osnabrück (UOS),
Institute for European Studies

Project description

There is a rapidly growing body of literature analysing and discussing different EPI approaches and measures. The CA aims to structure these findings and to identify avenues for future research by focussing on two main themes: First, is it possible to identify modes of governance which are typically used to promote EPI at particular levels, eg. local/regional, national, EU, global? If so, which governance modes are typically used at which levels? And which are most effective or show most promise? Second, how do EPI measures at the different levels affect each other and how could governance be improved to increase synergies and minimise negative interaction effects across the levels? Assembling and discussing findings which are relevant for these themes should ultimately facilitate progress in improving the implementation of EPI in the EU multi-level governance system.