Initiative for Climate Protection and Employment in Berlin and Brandenburg
Cornelia Wolter
Project partners:
DGB Bezirk Berlin-Brandenburg,
Verband Berlin-Brandenburgischer Wohnungsunternehmen,
die Handwerkskammern Cottbus, Frankfurt (Oder), Potsdam, Berlin,
Fachgemeinschaft Bau Berlin und Brandenburg,
Bauindustrieverband Berlin-Brandenburg,
Baukammer Berlin, die Architektenkammer Berlin,
Bund der Berliner Haus- und Grundbesitzervereine e.V.
Project description
The „Initiative for climate protection and employment in Berlin and Brandenburg“ is based on a collective action of the DGB of the area Berlin-Brandenburg and the association “energy & work”. Labour unions, chambers and organisations joined together in the spring of 2003 to contribute to environmental protection and the reduction of redundancy in the region. The initiative aimed to implement the federal alliance for work and environment in Berlin-Brandenburg. Mainly, the following goals were to be achieved: reduction of energy consumption and of CO2 emissions as well as gaining and securing of jobs, especially in the sectors of construction and craft. Therefore, a network to exchange information, suggestions and financial opportunities was established, to thus support the development and realisation of projects and investments to reduce energy consumption in buildings. The network is built by partners of the initiative, initiators and financial supporters of projects, social housing associations, architects, labour unions, crafting firms, communes, local initiatives, educational institutions and experts of economy, technology and administration.
In January of 2006 the FFU set up a coordination site to consult investors and project initiators in the region, to distribute information and support the combined operation of partners of the initiative. The Hans-Böckler-Foundation has supported this work financially for 18 months. An advisory board attended and supported this coordinatory work. Financially, the initiative is secured for the next two years by the senate administration for health, environment and consumer protection of Berlin, further support from a foundation has been asked for.
The good cooperation of all relevant actors in protecting the climate in regional projects could be a model to other regions and even develop into a European role model.
Gustiné, Margit / Mez, Lutz / Vogelsang, Michael: Initiative für Klimaschutz und Beschäftigung in Berlin-Brandenburg. Berlin 2002, 22 S., (= Forschungsstelle für Umweltpolitik, FU Berlin, FFU rep 05-2002).