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German-Polish Workshops for Green Tax Reform in Poland

Principal Investigator:
[Projektleitung verlinken]

Research Team:

Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt,
Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety
Apr 01, 2007 — Jul 31, 2008
Contact Person:
PD Dr. Lutz Mez

Project partners:

Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety,
Ministry of Environment, Poland

Project description

Due to the consideration on how existing Polish instruments for implementing EU strategies should be expanded, there has now also developed a debate concerning the system of green and energy taxation. Confronting pros and cons of the current system with elements of a reform of ecological taxation is the main interest of Polish experts from Ministry of Environment in a bilateral exchange of experiences with German experts. Thus, two workshops were conducted in June 2008. During the first, German and Polish experts analysed the applicability of different economic instruments and the possibilities of their combination for a Polish environmental protection geared to the future. The second gathered experts from the pioneer countries Denmark and Sweden and from the new EU member states Estonia and Czech Republic for an international exchange of experiences. To ensure a substantiated and purposeful discussion, especially German scientists had received a copious briefing concerning the Polish system of environmental fees and fines as well as the energy taxation and implementation status of the EU directive on energy taxation. Therefore, two studies were elaborated:

Study 1: “The Polish System of fees and fines for the use of the environment”and study 2: “The Polish System of energy taxation and demands of adaptation to the EU acquis communitaire”.

Both studies are included in the final report.


Tempel, Sybille/Tews, Kerstin/Mez, Lutz (2008): Polnisch-Deutsche Kooperation zu ökonomischen Instrumenten in der Umweltpolitik. final report, pp. 96