Bioenergy Promotion
Heinrich Schulz
INTERREG IVB Baltic Sea Region Programme of the European Union
Project partners:
Swedish Energy Agency (STEM)
Fachagentur für nachwachsende Rohstoffe (FNR)
Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety
and 36 partner organizations representing all Baltic Sea Region (BSR) countries
Project description
The project aims at strengthening the development towards a sustainable, competitive and territorially integrated Baltic Sea Region in the field of sustainable use of bio-energy. The project will serve as the major BSR wide platform for cross-sector and trans-national networking to facilitate information and knowledge exchange, coordinated policy development and design and application of promotional instruments, as well as regional development. This will be facilitated by three thematic work packages: (a) “Policy”, (b) “Regions”, (c) Business:
a. Policy; the overall objective is to assess existing policy frameworks, promotional instruments and schemes from a sustainability point of view and support the development of coherent national and sub-regional strategies, programmes and measures promoting the sustainable supply, transport and use of biomass for heating and cooling purposes, electricity generation, and as a transport fuel.
b. Regions; the sub-regional development dimension of increased bio-energy supplies, production and use (including trade possibilities) will be assessed and highlighted by bringing the experience of demonstration cases and areas throughout the BSR. Information dissemination actions will be included to ensure regional collaboration cross-nationally Sub-regional strategic management plans
c. Business; best practices for sustainable economies will be collected and project facilitation looked upon. The ultimate aim is to incorporate investment speed enhancement and technology transfer through market actor (especially technology providers) collaboration. Information dissemination actions will be included to ensure meetings between market actors making business co-operation possible. Deliverables include a virtual project/business brokerage platform and feasibility studies for plant investments.
In addition, there are two cross-sectional work packages comprising Management and Coordination (WP 1) and Information and Communication (WP 2). BMU acts as work package leader for WP 3 „Policy” and has commissioned FFU for project implementation. The work package comprises four different tasks to be coordinated by different task leaders:
- Task 3.1: Development of sustainability criteria for biomass production and use (Swedish Board for Agriculture)
- Task 3.2: Certification systems for sustainable biomass production and use (Fachagentur für nachwachsende Rohstoffe FNR)
- Task 3.3: Policy assessment and strategy development (BMU/FFU)
- Task 3.3: Sub-regional policy strategies (Universität Rostock)