Structural Change and Environmental Protection in Selected Basic Industries (1)
Simone Schucht
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)
The project identified approaches to an environmental-friendly structural change in advanced industrialized countries. It focussed on the most environmentally active economy branches in selected industrialized countries. The research question were why, how and with which economic-social effects was pressure put on the environmentally intense material production, with the aim of reducing or substituting it. Environmentally intense industries are bound to create significant above-average environmental problems (waste disposal, transportation, risks), even though they may actively try to protect the environment. Apart from the ecological relief effects, employment policies improved and were seen as a successful tackling of this change.
Binder, Manfred / Jänicke, Martin / Petschow, Ulrich (Hrsg.): Green Industrial Restructuring. International Case Studies and Theoretical Implications. Springer, Berlin 2001.
Jänicke, Martin / Binder, Manfred / Mönch, Harald: "Dirty Industries": Wandlungsmuster im Industrieländervergleich. In: Mez, Lutz / Jänicke, Martin (Hrsg.): Sektorale Umweltpolitik. Analysen im Industrieländervergleich. Berlin: edition sigma 1997, S. 187-214.
Jänicke, Martin / Binder, Manfred / Mönch, Harald: "Dirty Industries". Patterns of Change in Industrial Countries. Berlin 1995, 23 S., (= Forschungsstelle für Umweltpolitik, Freie Universität Berlin, FFU rep 96-1) (erscheint in Environmental and Resource Economics)
Jänicke, Martin: Für eine ökologische Industriepolitik. In: Fricke, Werner (Hrsg.): Jahrbuch Arbeit und Technik 1996. Zukunft der Industriegesellschaft. Bonn: J.H.W. Dietz Nachf. 1996, S. 359-369.
Schucht, Simone: Ökologische Modernisierung und Strukturwandel in der deutschen Aluminiumindustrie. FFU-Report 99-4