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Climate Technology Initiative. Capacity Building for Central and Eastern European Countries and Former Soviet Union Countries

Research Team:

Annette Piening


Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU)

Jan 01, 1999 — Dec 31, 2005
Contact Person:
PD Dr. Lutz Mez

Project partners:

Umweltbundesamt (UBA)
ITUT e.V., Leipzig

Project description

Climate change is a challenge of a global dimension. Not only the industrialised countries as main emitters of climate damaging gases but also developing countries and countries in transition are to take over responsibility for reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. Sustainable solutions in the area of energy supply by diffusion of successful policies and dissemination of environmentally friendly technologies in an increasing world trade will be an important contribution to the obligations set by the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Kyoto Protocol. To support this with activities in Africa, Asia, in Central and Eastern Europe as well as in the countries of the former Soviet Union is one of the objectives of the Climate Technology Initiative.

The Climate Technology Initiative (CTI) has been set up in 1995 by principal member states of the OECD/IEA and European Commission in order “to promote the objectives of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) by fostering international co-operation for accelerated development and diffusion of climate-friendly technologies and practices for all activities and greenhouse gases”. To comply with the aims of the CTI mission, special attention has been given to support  the building of networks which enable the actors from different countries to learn from each other on how to provide different forms of technology transfer and to gather improved and more effective training experience. In view of the previous CTI Capacity Building Seminars, training has become one of the most important activities of CTI.

In this context, since 1999 a series of CTI Capacity Building Seminars were held in Ostritz and in Tutzing, Germany, which since 2001 take place every year to be continued regularly. This in particular gaves the opportunity to create and extend a reliable and widely usable network of experts from energy efficiency centres, energy saving agencies, state representatives concerned with energy and climate protection issues, and other institutions actively promoting the rational use of energy. In the meantime speakers and participants from 24 CEE and FSU countries met experts from OECD countries and from international organisations to exchange experiences and initiate regional and sectoral co-operations.

In discursively structured sessions with either overview character or focused on special topics like Emissions Trading, Joint Implementation and Clean Development Mechanism, incentive schemes for renewable energy sources, combined heat and power generation and building renovation and employment effects, presentations has been discussed and know-how on best practice examples has been exchanged.


Krug, Michael / Mez, Lutz / Piening, Annette  et al. (Mitarbeit):  In: Umweltbundesamt (Hrsg.) / Federal Environmental Agency (ed.): Best Practice in Climate Technology and Energy Efficiency in Central and Eastern Europe. Seminar Proceedings of the Capacity Building Seminar held 6 - 10 December 1999 in Marienthal/Ostritz in Germany in the framework of the Climate Technonology Initative (CTI). In: Texte Series. No. 27/00, 2000 Berlin, 336 p.

Mez, Lutz / Tempel, Sybille / Krug, Michael In: Umweltbundesamt (Hrsg.) / Federal Environmental Agency (ed.): Climate Technology and Energy Efficiency - Disseminating "Best Practice" Experience. Seminar Proceedings of the Capacity Building Seminar held on 5 - 9 December 2001 in Ostritz in Germany in the framework of the Climate Technonology Initative (CTI). In: Reihe "Climate Change" No. 03/02, 2002 Berlin, 278 p.

Mez, Lutz / Tempel, Sybille / Krug, Michael In: Umweltbundesamt (Hrsg.) / Federal Environmental Agency (ed.): Climate Technology and Energy Efficiency - From "Best Practice" Experiences to Policy Diffusion. Seminar Proceedings of the Capacity Building Seminar held on 16 - 20 November 2002 at the Evangelische Akademie Tutzing in the framework of the Climate Technonology Initative (CTI). 2003 Berlin, 202 p.

Mez, Lutz / Sybille Tempel / Michael Krug  In: Umweltbundesamt (Hrsg.) / Federal Environmental

Agency (ed.): Climate Technology and Energy Efficiency – Challenges and Chances for Climate Technology. Seminar Proceedings of the Capacity Building Seminar for CEE/FSU Countries held on 20 – 24 September 2003 at the Evangelische Akademie Tutzing in the framework of the Climate Technology Initiative (CTI). 2004 Berlin, 313 p.

Mez, Lutz / Sybille Tempel / Michael Krug  In: Umweltbundesamt (Hrsg.) / Federal Environmental

Agency (ed.): Climate Technology and Energy Efficiency – Using the Kyoto Mechanisms. Seminar Proceedings of the Capacity Building Seminar for CEE/FSU Countries held on 16 – 20 October 2004 at Breitenfelder Hof Leipzig in the framework of the Climate Technology Initiative (CTI). 2004 Berlin, 93 p.,

Mez, Lutz; Tempel, Sybille; Krug, Michael (ed.): Climate Technology and Energy Efficiency – Sustainable Pathways to Climate Change Mitigation Policies and Management.
Seminar Proceedings of the Capacity Building Seminar for CEE/FSU Countries held on 22 – 26 October 2005 at Breitenfelder Hof Leipzig in the framework of the Climate Technology Initiative (CTI). 2005 FFU Berlin, 196 p.

Proceedings A (Contents, Program, Participants)
Proceedings B (Session 1)
Proceedings C (Session 2)
Proceedings D (Session 3)
Proceedings E (Session 4)