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The most convenient transport to travel from the airport to Jerusalem is a collective taxi provided by the company “Nesher”. They gather 11 people in one taxi and drop them off in Jerusalem next to their places (door to door) and operate 24 hours a day all year round. Nesher taxis are located between gate 01-02, the price to get to Jerusalem is 58 nis (about 15 Euro).
The Austrian Hospice is situated in the middle of the Old City of Jerusalem, directly on the Via Dolorosa in the Arab district of the Old City. As there are no cars allowed in the Old City of Jerusalem, the Austrian Hospice cannot be reached by car. Therefore, take a taxi to Damascus Gate, from there the Austrian Hospice is easy to reach on foot. Follow the street “El-Waad” up to the Via Dolorosa (about 100 metres) where the Austrian Hospice is situated on the corner El-Waad – Via Dolorosa on your left hand side.

To the site plan (provided by the Austrian Hospice)