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Bioenergy Promotion 2 – from strategies to activities


INTERREG IVB Ostseeprogramm

Bundesministerium für Ernährung, Landwirtschaft und Verbraucherschutz (BMELV)
Jan 01, 2012 — Jan 31, 2014
Contact Person:
Michael Krug

Project partners: The consortium consists of 12 former partners of the Main stage project Bioenergy Promotion (2009-2011). In addition, FFU joined the consortium as a new partner, but has already extensive project experience as it has been coordinating the policy related work package of the Main stage project on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety. The project consortium also comprises a number of associated and supporting organisations (i.e. the Council of Baltic Sea States Expert Group for Sustainable Development “Baltic 21”, national ministries and demo regions in each participating country). Lead Partner is the German Agency for Renewable Resources (FNR).


Bioenergy Promotion 2 is a so called Extension stage project (ESP) under the EU INTERERREG IVB Baltic Sea Region Programme. The overall aim of Bioenergy Promotion 2 is to strengthen and implement key results from the Main stage project Bioenergy Promotion (2009-2011) through demonstration, testing and transfer measures in selected demo regions and beyond. The following activities will be performed:

  • Assist/advise seven demo regions in implementing bioenergy strategies and concepts developed during the Main stage project through training and capacity development;
  • Transfer of promising concepts from the Main stage project to other regions and municipalities in the BSR;
  • Establish links to public and private utility companies and create a dialogue on sustainable bioenergy production and use in the frame of corporate social responsibility strategies, and promote validation and testing of the sustainability principles and criteria developed during the Main stage project (MSP);
  • Feed MSP and ESP results into the new EU funding programmes covering the new programming period 2014-2020 and being of strategic importance for the demo regions (e.g. Operational Programmes under the ERDF, rural development programmes under the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development EAFRD)
  • Feed MSP and ESP results into a policy dialogue with the Council of Baltic Sea States (CBSS) Expert Group on Sustainable Development and other initiatives (e.g. Baltic Sea States Sub-regional Co-operation (BSSSC), Baltic Development Forum, Nordic Council of Ministers)
  • Capitalise on the lessons gained from the demo, transfer and testing activities and to support regional and national bioenergy policy and programme development