Model Circular Economy Germany
In its coalition agreement the government pledged to deploy a new and integrated circular economy. The project’s aim is to support this endeavor by designing a coherent and holistic circular economy policy for Germany. The focus lies particularly on assessing measures reaching further than the current resource policy and their impacts. The study is supposed to function as a point of reference for the public debate providing arguments for a ecofriendly resource-saving policy.
Within the project, the economic and ecological impacts of resource savings will be modeled.
The study follows up on previous findings about ecological impacts of a consequent resource saving. The UN resource council estimates that the extraction and processing of raw materials accounts for 50 percent of the global greenhouse gas emissions and for 90 percent of biodiversity loss and water scarcity. The relevant measures will be bundled to scenarios and modeled for Germany. In particular, goal conflicts and synergies between economic, environmental and social impacts will be paid attention.
The project is excecuted by Öko-Institut, Fraunhofer ISI und FU Berlin.