Memory Energy Transition
Environmental Policy Research Center
- Ökoinstitut
- Federal Environment Agency
- Agentur für Erneuerbare Energien
- Wuppertal Institut u.v.e
The process of a societal Energy Transition is an undertaking that lasts for decades. To learn from the events experienced during the initial phases of the process, the FFU has prepared the “Memory Energy Transition” research project. The project systematizes findings from the energy policy developments and activities of the last four decades which paved the way for the German energy transition and will thus allow researchers to make the best possible use of these historical experiences for future transition strategies. The research project comprises of a virtual archive, research conferences, publications, lectures and exhibitions.
With the cooperation of project partners, the FFU organized several networking activities:
- May 12, 2017: Presentation at the German Association for Political Science (Deutsche Vereinigung für Politikwissenschaft) in Darmstadt
- May 20, 2017: Workshop at the Institute for Applied Ecology (Öko-Institut) in Berlin with 20 experts
- May 9, 2018: Workshop at the Berlin Energy Days conference (Berliner Energietage) together with the Federal Environment Agency (Umweltbundesamt)
The FFU, in cooperation with the UBA, presented the project “Memory Energy Transition” (Gedächtnis Energiewende) to 43 participants on May 9, 2018 at the Berlin Energy Days conference.
The event was opened with an introduction to the project by Dr. Klaus Müschen and Dr. Rosaria di Nucci of the FFU.
Prof. Dr. Peter Hennicke of Wuppertal Institute followed with his speech, “Memory – What for?”
and Götz Penner and Wolfgang Huhn of Quermedia closed the presentations with an overview of the project’s platform structure.
The concluding panel discussion was moderated by Bernhard Pötter (taz) and featured in-depth dialogue with Virginia Sonntag-O`Brien (European Environment Foundation), Dr. Harry Lehmann (Federal Environment Agency), Dr. Lutz Mez (Freie Universität Berlin, Berlin Energy Consultants GbRmbH) and Dr. Karl-Ludwig Schibel (Climate Alliance e.V., Coordinator of Climate Alliance Italy).
The conversation focused on the developments in the anti-nuclear movement over the last 30 years, renewable energies, remunicipalisation and international climate protection. The panelists discussed Germany`s role, future scenarios and challenges. Equally central to the discussion was the question, whether the energy transition means as well democratization and social participation.
Regarding the future of “Memory Energy Transition”, FFU and UBA are planning to continue the project involving other partners.