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COME RES- Community Energy for the uptake of RES in the electricity sector. Connecting long-term visions with short-term actions


EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation Horizon 2020

Sep 01, 2020 — Feb 28, 2023

Project partners      

  • Freie Universität Berlin – Environmental Policy Research Centre, Germany (Coordination)
  • Asociación Canaria de Energías Renovables (ACER), Spain
  • Becker, Büttner & Held (bbh), Germany
  • Center for International Climate Research (CICERO), Norway
  • Ecoazioni, Italy
  • ECORYS españa, Spain
  • Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e),The Netherlands
  • Agenzia nazionale per le nuove tecnologie, l'energia e lo sviluppo economico sostenibile (ENEA), Italy
  • Flemish Institute for Technological Research (VITO)
  • ICLEI European Secretariat (ICLEI), Germany
  • Institute of Physical Energetics (IPE), Latvia
  • Instituto de Ciência e Inovação em Engenharia Mecânica e Engenharia Industrial (INEGI), Portugal
  • Latvian Environmental Investment Fund (LEIF), Latvia
  • Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Directorate (NVE), Norway
  • Polish National Energy Conservation Agency (KAPE), Poland
  • REScoop.eu, Belgium

Overall objective

COME RES aims to facilitate the market uptake of RES in the electricity sector by supporting, with a set of specific activities, the implementation of the provisions for renewable energy communities (RECs) as defined in the new Renewable Energy Directive (EU) 2018/2001 to be transposed by the Member states by June 30, 2021. Taking a multi- and transdisciplinary approach, COME RES aids the development of RECs in nine European countries (BE, DE, IT, LV, NL, NO, PL, PT, SP).

Issues addressed and major steps

COME RES covers different socio-technological systems including community PV, wind (onshore), storage and integrated solutions.

The countries selected range from pioneers that have gained broad experience of community energy (CE) to countries that are just beginning to look at CE. COME RES analyses political, administrative, legal, socioeconomic, spatial and environmental characteristics, and the reasons for the slow deployment of RECs in selected target regions.

Eight stakeholder desks consisting of the project partners and committed energy communities, cooperatives, municipalities, associations, public authorities market and policy actors in each country assist the consortium to carry out the operational tasks.

Both overall and specific objectives will be reached by

i) analysing the potentials, barriers and drivers for RECs in the target regions,

ii) carrying out stakeholder dialogues,

iii) developing regional action plans and business-model proposals for selected target regions,

iv) examining good/best practice cases that are transferable to specific local, regional and national contexts,

v) initiating transfers of best practice solutions via policy labs supported by capacity development and training and

vi) developing a renewable energy community platform.

The consortium synchronises project activities with the transposition/implementation of the Clean Energy Package and its provisions for RECs in policy labs. Policy lessons with validity across Europe will be drawn and recommendations proposed.

Role of FFU

FFU is responsible for the overall project coordination. Additionally, FFU coordinates the work packages “Regional stakeholder dialogues” and “Policy lessons”. FFU is also involved in the coordination of the German stakeholder desk The German target region is Thuringia and Schleswig Holstein, a pioneer in community energy, serves as a model region.