Evaluation of the National Climate Initiative of the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (NKI-Evaluation)
Annette Piening
Max Breitsprecher
Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety
Project partners: Öko Institut e.V., Ecologic, Arepo Consult, Dr. Ziesing, FiFo Köln
Project description:
In the framework of the Integrated Energy and Climate Programme (IEKP) adopted in August 2007 the Federal Government decided upon several new measures, in order to reach its goal to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 40 percent by 2020 compared with 1990. Part of this programme is the Climate Initiative which is financed by the revenues from emissions trading and which supports national as well as international projects.
The National Climate Initiative (NKI) addresses consumers, industry and municipalities as well as social and cultural establishments. The Initiative supports programmes and provides backing for clusters of comparable projects and individual specific projects.
The effectiveness of the Climate Initiative is evaluated by a team of research institutes. The aims are to assess to which extent the projects and programmes contribute to a decrease of greenhouse gases or smooth the progress of future reduction and which other effects could be achieved (e.g. impacts on jobs, investments and innovation).
The project consortium for the evaluation of the NKI is coordinated by Öko-Institute and Arepo Consult. The FFU is responsible for the evaluation of nine specific projects. An outline of our research interests within the framework of the Helmholtz Alliance can be found below.
Summary of the NKI-evaluation final report
Proceedings of the final conference
Presentation of the evaluation of the Stromsparcheck project