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Ecological modernisation

The struggle for coherence and policy integration is going into its fourth decade. Meanwhile, the overall framework conditions of policy-making have considerably changed: Processes of economic and political globalization have deepened, new forms of governance have emerged and new actors have entered the stage, such as International Organizations or transnational advocacy-networks. The result is a significant increase of the complexity of policy-making.
What is needed is a comprehensive review of the gathered experiences, in order to learn, which strategies might be applied best at which level against the background of this increased complexity of policy-making. The analysis of past experiences requires a joint effort of different disciplines. In particular political scientist and lawyers can improve the understanding of institutions for policy integration. It is furthermore necessary to assess the impacts of policies on the different dimensions of sustainability to inform policy makers about integration requirements and hence form the knowledge basis of policy coherence and integration. Different tasks might be best suited at different levels, but the concrete allocation of competencies and responsibilities is a question open to discussion. This requires a close co-operation of many different disciplines. Possible foci of such efforts are integrated models and integrated assessments.
The conference brought about a stocktaking of both the institutional basis of policy integration on the different levels of policy making as well as an improvement of the knowledge basis for a furthering of integration.