Sustainable Germany 2030 to 2050 – How do we want to live in the future? Concepts and communication processes for a “Grand Design” of the German Sustainability Strategy from an environmental policy perspective
Project partners: IFOK GmbH und Z_Punkt GmbH
The project aims at expanding the period of time covered by Germany’s Sustainability Strategy to the year 2030 and at sketching out the development until 2050. To do this, major issue areas and challenges need to be identified, and strategies and sub-targets for their implementation have to be developed. Furthermore, this vision of the future will be designed with a focus on participatory elements to enable broad participation of the actors concerned and civil society groups. From their contributions, roadmaps for short-, medium- and long-term action will be developed to reach the goals for 2030 and beyond.
The FFU will first of all analyze various long-term transformation concepts focusing on their possible contribution to the further development of the German Sustainability Strategy. The goals and vision outlined in them will be summarized using discourse analytical methods and presented in a “map of visions.” In a comparison with the German Sustainability Strategy, key areas for action in politics and society will be identified. This work provides the basis for the preparatory processes in three key areas in which stakeholders will collaborate to work out short-, medium- and long-term goals and roadmaps for various societal groups. The FFU will support these processes by using network analysis to select the participants for them.