Vasundhara Dash

student / TERI Institute
25 May - 26 Jul 2009
is a student of Masters in Environmental Studies at TERI University, New Delhi.
She is presently doing her internship at FFU and working on the development of sustainability criteria for the production and use of Biofuels. Through this project, she intends to analyse the policy instruments in place for the promotion and sustainable consumption of Biofuels with respect to the European Union and especially Germany and the various issues of energy and food security that arise due to its production. The other aspects of the project would include the implications of such a technology on developing countries like India and the extent to which the Biofuels are successful as a renewable source of energy and helpful in adaptation to climate change and reduction in greenhouse gases.
Her broad areas of interest include Environmental Politics and Governance, Environmental and resource Economics, participatory approach for managing the environment and sustainable livelihoods development.