Deepti Roy

Deepti Roy is a student of M.Sc. Climate Science and Policy at TERI University, New Delhi. She has work experience of 4 years. She has worked with think-tanks like Center for Media Studies (CMS) and Development Alternatives (DA) as a researcher, where she was working in the area of sustainable development issues and climate change. It was then her interest grew in the field of politics of Climate Change and local level implementation of mitigation and adaptation strategies.
As part of the "FFU/TERI Sustainable Development and Climate Change Dialogue”, she will explore the Indo-German cross-cities collaborations promoting low carbon pathways and analysing the impact of these collaborative initiatives on international climate change governance. Her study aims at understanding the scenarios in which cities collaborate for sustainable future and how these collaborations can play significant role in achieving international goal of climate change mitigation. In this context , during her stay in Germany She plans to do a city level study to understand the tools developed by these cities to facilitate learning from experience and best-practice transfer among cities. Also, she would map the case studies of all the collaborations of Indo-German cities and the enabling conditions. This will be done with the help of expert interviews, secondary data analysis and literature review.