Divya Sharma

student / TERI Institute
3. Jan - 31.Mar 2012
Divya Sharma is a student of M.Sc. Climate Science and Policy at TERI University, New Delhi. Her broader area of interests are governance and economics of climate change, systems modeling,resilience studies, climate change adaptation and mitigation strategies. As a graduate exchange student at German-Indian Sustainability and Climate Change Dialogue, Environmental Policy Research Centre (FFU), Freie Universität Berlin, Divya intend to understand the subsidy frameworks of Solar Power sector in Germany and how these subsides have steered the evolution of markets and institutions. Indian Solar Power sector is in its nascent stage and have undertaken similar subsidy strategies. Subsidies have been historically used to maneuver development pathways. They have also been seen as policy instruments which lead to bad consequences like over exploitations of resources, wrong market signals, inhibition in creating alternate technologies and environmental degradation. But still they exist and continue to be a critical policy instrument in achieving social welfare goals. With two different perspectives of industrialized and developing nations, the undertaken study will try to analyze the relevant policy gaps. This will be done with the help of expert interviews, secondary data analysis and literature review. At TERI University, Divya did an independent study in which probable reasons of policy failures were found by systems thinking and understanding the inter-linkages among agricultural subsystems. She did her summer internship at TERI-SRC, Bangalore and developed Resilience Index. Before joining TERI University, she worked as an Engineering Analyst at Infosys Technologies Ltd. She has over 6 years of industrial experience in the domain of aerospace,consumer appliances and holds a Bachelor degree in Mechanical Engineering.