Karolina Jankowska
Karolina Jankowska is born 1983 in Szczecin, Poland. Received magister degree in sociology (2007) and magister in European sciences (2008) from the Jagiellonian University in Cracov.. PhD candidate at the Environmental Policy Reseach Centre at the Free University in Berlin since November 2007. In her dissertation she applies an advocacy coalition approach to analyse the Polish transition from the coal-based towards renewable energy oriented society under the supervisorship of prof. dr. Miranda Schreurs. Currently Karolina works as a teaching assistant of prof. dr. Miranda Schreurs at the Department of Political and Social Sciences at the Free University in Berlin (DAAD-STIBET scholarhsip). She has been working in many international projects including a.o. Polish-German cooperation towards development of renewable energies (in cooperation with Cracov's Foundation of Development of Material Sciences) and improvement of vocational education in the field of renewable energy in the sanitary, heating and air conditioning craft (SIRET). Karolina publishes in both scientific and publicistic journals and papers as well as translates Polish-German publications (her last important translation was a book of Sascha Müller-Kraenner 'Energy security“, which Polish version's title is: „Bezpieczeństwo energetyczne. Nowy pomiar świata” [„Z naszej strony” Publishing House, Szczecin 2009]). Her article „Poland's climate change policy struggle: Greening the East?” is intended to be published next year by Routledge, an imprint of Taylor and Francis Books Ltd, in the book „European Union as a Leader in International Climate Change Politics edited by Rüdiger Wurzel and James Conelly. Since March 2006 Karolina has been a member of National Council of the Polish Green Party – Zieloni 2004 and has already run several election campaigns (to Sejm - Polish Parliament, to Municipality Council in Police and to European Parliament).