Neena Sekharan

student / TERI Institute
Neena Sekharan is a student of MBA (Business Sustainability) at TERI University, New Delhi with specialization in Finance. Neena graduated in Electrical and Electronics engineering from Government College of Engineering (Trivandrum), Kerala University, India. With over six years of global IT experience, Neena is keen on advancing her career in the field of Sustainability, a domain she been following with deep interest.
Her summer internship was at a global sustainability advisory firm called Emergent Ventures. During her summer internship, she studied the current international and Indian scenario with respect to policies, regulations and financing in the areas with a high potential of contributing to a low carbon economy with special focus on India, UK and European Union.
In her research project at Environmental Policy Research Centre, Freie University, Berlin, she will be analyzing the European policy map for developing a Smart Grid based intelligent energy system. The project will identify the various policy aspects that are being considered in Europe. During the course of the project, she will be interviewing experts from the various stakeholder groups associated with the European smart grids. The insights from the European smart grid policies would be helpful for formulating Smart grid policies in India.