JRC – LIAISE Workshop on "Modelling Capacities for Policy Support in Europe"
The Joint Research Centre (JRC) and the LIAISE Network of Excellence, which is co-coordinated by FFU, jointly organised a workshop on “Modelling Capacities for Policy Support in Europe”. The event is held on 5 June, 2012 in Berlin.
News from Jun 04, 2012
JRC is an institute of the European Commission that provides customer-driven scientific and technical support for the conception, development, implementation and monitoring of European Union policies. LIAISE's mission is to bridge the gap between research and policy making by supporting the uptake of research in impact assessment tools, models and procedures.
The purpose of the JRC-LIAISE workshop was threefold: to make research aware of JRC modelling strategy and modelling opportunities for policy support, to conduct a stock taking of modelling capacities among research groups in the region of Berlin/Brandenburg, and to explore options and synergies for interaction and the possible role of LIAISE therein.
Participants of the event were representatives from LIAISE partners Environmental Policy Research Centre (FFU), Leibniz Centre for Agriculture and Landscape Research (ZALF), and Alterra Wageningen; from the Joint Research Centre (JRC); and from research institutes in the Berlin/Brandenburg region, among others Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK), Leibniz Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries (IGB), German Institute for Economic Research (DIW).