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Comparing Japanese and German Approaches to Denuclearization and Energy System Transformation

Mar 11, 2013 - Mar 12, 2013

From March 11th till March 12th a conference will take place in the Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin (WZB). Japanese and German approaches to Denuclarization and Energy System Transformation will be compared.

Comparing Japanese and German Approaches to Denuclearization and Energy System Transformation

A Conference Organized by the Environmental Policy Research Centre (FFU), Freie Univ. Berlin and Hokkaido University


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DAY ONE: March 11, 2013

Location: Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin (Science Center of Berlin), Room B002/003

10:00  Introduction: Professor Miranda Schreurs

10:15   Prof.Dr. Fumikazu YOSHIDA (Hokkaido University)

                A Comparative Study of Denuclearization Between Germany and Japan

10:45 Mr. Franzjosef Schafhausen, Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation

         and Nuclear Safety

            Germany's Energy Transition: Opportunities and Challenges

11:15-11:30 Coffee Break

11:30 Dr. Hans Joachim Ziesing, Chair, Berlin Climate Advisory Board,

            Monitoring Germany’s Energy Transition

12:00 Prof.Dr. Hiroshi HONDA (Hokkai Gakuen University)

          Three Cleavages of Postwar Japanese Politics as the Context of the Anti-nuclear


12:30-13:30 Lunch

13:30 Dr. Aiko AZUMA, Hokkaido University

          CO2 Reduction without Nuclear Power Generation

14:00 Dr. Helmut Weidner, Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin

          German Climate Change Policy and Politics.

15:00-15:30 coffee break

15:30 Prof. Dr. Martin Jänicke, FFU, Freie Univ. Berlin (To be confirmed)

          Greening the Economy and the Third Industrial Revolution

16:00 Prof. Rie Watanabe, Prof. Univ. of Niigata Prefecture

          Nuclear Policy Change in Japan after Fukushima - Do Beliefs Matter?

16:30 Richard Forrest, FFU, Freie Univ Berlin, formerly with National Wildlife Federation

          Nuclear Policy in the United States



Location: German Environment Advisory Council (SRU), Luisenstrasse 46

10:00 Prof.Dr. Kazuto SUZUKI (Hokkaido University)

          The Myth of Safety: How Japanese Nuclear Safety Regulation was Captured

10:30 Prof.Dr. Ken-Ichi OHSHIMA (Ritsumiekan University)

          The Cost of Nuclear Power in Japan

11:00 Dr. Lutz Mez, Environmental Policy Research Centre, Freie Univ. Berlin,

          Germany’s Nuclear Phase Out Policy

11:30 -11:45 coffee break

11:45 Prof.Dr. Susumu OHNUMA (Hokkaido University)

         How to Design A Decision Making Process with a Participatory Program for Radioactive

       Waste Management

12:15 Dr. Achim Brunnengräber and Dr. Rosario DiNucci, Environmental Policy Research Centre,

          Freie Univ. Berlin

           Nuclear Waste Management in Germany: Political and Societal Challenges

12:45 LUNCH

14:00 Soo Jin Kim, Environmental policy Research Centre, Freie Univ. Berlin.

          Nuclear Politics: The Case of South Korea

14:30 Ms. Julia KLEIN (Hokkaido University)

          Citizens Movements for Denuclearization after Fukushima 3.11

15:00 Dr. Dörte Ohlhorst, Dr. Kerstin Tews, Robert Brandt, FFU, Freie Univ. Berlin

          Energy Transition and Public Acceptance in Germany (To be confirmed)

15:30 Dr. Christian Hey, Secretary General, German Environment Advisory Council

          Transition Crisis - Key Issues on the Way Towards 100% Renewables

16:00 Prof. Miranda Schreurs

          Comparing Japanese and German Energy Policies for the Future


Time & Location

Mar 11, 2013 - Mar 12, 2013

WZB Berlin