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Maximilian Schmidtke


Student Assistant

Ihnestr. 22
14195 Berlin

Since 12/2023: Student assistant in the project "Sexual Science, Self-Determination and Transnationalism: Global Scripts of the Early Homosexual Movements in Germany (1865-1969)" with Dr. Mehmet Sinan Birdal

Since 10/2021: Study of the M.A. "Gender, Intersectionality and Politics" at the FU Berlin

04/2021 to 07/2023: Employee in political education at Planpolitik GbR - Interactive political education

10/2016 to 07/2021: B.A. "Social Sciences" at the HU Berlin.
Final thesis: Lässt sich AIDS darstellen? Application of Susan Sontag's reflections on photography and illness to Jürgen Baldiga's AIDS images

07/2018 to 02/2021: Student assistant in the management and analysis department at the Center for International Peace Operations (ZIF)

Research interest

  • History of sexuality

  • Construction of masculinities

  • History of ideas of gender and body


Pietz/Schmidtke (2020): Kulturerbe schützen: Aufgabe der GSVP?, in: PeaceLabBlog (Debatte: Neustart in Brüssel?)

Pietz/Schmidtke (2019): EU CSDP Missions and the Protection of Cultural Heritage, in: IAI Commentaries 19:63.