New article by Prof. Dr. Christian Volk on radical democratic theory and protest
The articel deals with the potentials and shortcomings of analyzing protest in modern democracy through the lens of radical democratic theory.
News from Dec 12, 2018
The increasing number of protest activities urges political and social philosophers to analyze the meaning and function of protest in modern democracy. Its focus on conflictive social relations makes radical democratic theory the most promising approach currently at hand for such an endeavor. It allows us to comprehend today's form of protest as a critique of the current shape of modern democratic order (and not as interest politics or as a struggle for rights). Accordingly, radical democratic theory has established itself in academic discourses and is widely and well received by political activists. Notwithstanding its critical potential, I argue that radical democratic thought is not in a position to conceptually grasp the differentia specifica of a democratic order and to sufficiently determine the meaning of protest for democracy. A democratic and social theory of political protest in modern democracies is, therefore, still waiting to be developed.