Anton Haffner
Research Project "POWDER"
Anton Haffner was a research associate in the ERC-funded research project “Protest and Order. Democratic Theory, Contentious Politics and the Changing Shape of Western Democracy” (POWDER) at the Freie Universität Berlin. The project was transferred to the Humboldt-University of Berlin in 2020. He holds an MA degree in Global Political Economy from City, University of London and studied political science at Freie Universität Berlin and UC Santa Cruz.
- Social Movements
- Theories of power and the state
- Internationalization and regionalization of statehood
- History and practices of globalization and neoliberalism
„Gekommen um zu bleiben. Das Krisenregime in Europa und die Rede vom Ausnahmezustand [Come to stay. The crisis regime in Europe and the talk of a state of exception].” Kritische Justiz 50(1) 2017, 19-29 (with Franziska Brachthäuser).
Winter term 2019/20