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Dr. Ruhi Demiray

Ruhi Demirbay

Guest Researcher

Center for Politics and Law

Ruhi Demiray was an Einstein Junior Scholar at the Center of Politics and Law at the Otto Suhr Institute of Political Science at Free University of Berlin in 2019. Previously, he was Philipp Schwartz Fellow of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation at the University of Siegen, a Marie Curie Fellow at Keele University, and Fulbright doctoral research fellow at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. He holds a PhD in Political Science from Middle East Technical University and works on political and legal philosophy. He is particularly interested in theories of rights, the rule of law and the state, and Kant’s political-legal philosophy. Currently, he is conducting a research project titled “A Comparison Between Kant’s Liberal Republicanism & Arendt’s Civic Republicanism: Rethinking Modern Political Theory in the Face of the Problems of Our Age”. This project is designed to deliver a republican reconstruction of the conceptions of freedom, rights, law, and authority in the modern political theory, which will would put us in a better position to understand and deal with the contemporary political issues such as the rise of populist-autocratic tendencies and the abortive rights of non-citizens and minorities.


“Politik Sorunun Normatif Çözümü Olarak Adalet Fikri” [“The Idea of Justice as the Normative Solution of the Political Problem”], Felsefe Tartışmaları 55, forthcoming.

“Public Religion and Secular State: A Kantian Approach”, Diametros 54, December 2017, pp. 30-55.

(co-authored with Aaran Burns), “Introduction: Methods in Normative Political Theory/Philosophy”, Public Reason: Journal of Political and Moral Philosophy 9(1-2), pp. 3-7.

(co-authored by Sorin Baiasu), “Kant on the Relation between Duties of Virtue and of Right: Introduction”, Studi Kantiani 29, January 2017,pp.11-20.

“The Intrinsic Normativity of Law in Light of Kant`s Doctrine of Right”, Con-Textos Kantianos 3, June 2016, pp.161-187.

“The Dichotomy between Piety and Zealotry: Reflections on the Relation between Religiosity and Democratic Secularism”, METU Studies in Development 42 (3), 2015, pp.339-354.

“Natural Law Theory, Legal Positivism, and the Normativity of Law”, European Legacy: Toward New Paradigms 20 (8), 2015, pp.1-20.

“Modern Hukuksal-Akılcılık: Hukuksal-Pozitivizmden ve Hukuksal-Gerçekçilikten Sonra Hukuk, Adalet ve Devlet Arasındaki İçkin Bağı Yeniden Düşünebilmek” [“Modern Legal-Rationalism: Re-Establishing the Essential Tie between Law, Justice and the State in the Aftermath of Legal-Positivism and Legal-Realism”], Felsefe Tartışmaları 46, December 2011, pp. 39-63.

“Rousseau’nun Hobbes’a İtirazı: Adalet ve Faydanın Birliği” [“Rousseau’s Objection to Hobbes: The Unity of Justice and Utility”], Felsefelogos 41, July 2011, pp. 149-161.

“Schmitt's Realist Approach to Law and the Pivotal Significance of the Notion of Legitimacy for an Order of Law”, in Ankara Law Review 7 (2), December 2010, pp. 109-126.

“Two Modes of Critique of Modern Politics: Agamben versus Ranciere”, Alternative Politics 2 (3), December 2010, pp. 224-250.

“Reconsidering Democracy in the Context of Globalization: A Comparative Examination of Held’s Liberal-Democratic Cosmopolitanism & Linklater’s Transnational Republicanism”, Toplum ve Demokrasi 3 (6-7), May-August 2009, pp.149-174.

Book Chapters

“A Kantian Position on Law and Justice” in Reason, Normativity & Law: New Essays in Kantian Philosophy, ed. by A. Pinheiro-Walla and M.R. Demiray, forthcoming in 2019, Cardiff: University of Wales Press.

“Korkaklık ve Alçaklığın Hüküm Sürdüğü Koşullarda İnsanlığa Sahip Çıkma Çabası: Sartre’ın “Önerisi” [“Standing for Humanity When “Cowardice” and “Ignobility” Sways: Sartre’s Proposal”], in Kocaeli Dayanısma Akademisinin İlk Uzun Yılı [The First Long Year of Kocaeli Academy for Solidarity], ed. by Güven Bakırezer, Hakan Koçak, and et.al. 2017. Ankara: Dipnot, pp.77-89.

“Sekülerizm ve Onun Özgürlükçü-Eşitlikçi Eleştirilerini Kant Işığında Yeniden Düşünmek” [“Reconsidering Liberal-Egalitarian Criticisms of Secularism in Light of Kant”] in 4th International Congress (Poverty, Solidarity & Justice): Proceedings Book, ed. by M. F. Elmas and M. Becermen, 2016, Bursa: Asa, pp. 344-353.

“Acknowledging and Limiting the Moral Significance of Cultural Praxis: Reflections on Cassirer’s Critical Philosophy of Culture” in Identities in Transition, ed. by Georgina Tsolidis, 2012, Oxford: Interdisciplinary Press, pp.11-18.

“Re-Establishing the Tie between Law, Morality and Political Power: Modern Legal-Rationalism as the Alternative to Legal-Positivism and Legal-Realism” in Law, Morality and Power: Global Perspectives on Violence and the State, ed. by Stephen King, Carlo Salzani and Owen Staley. 2010. Oxford: Interdisciplinary Press, pp. 27-33.

Non-Peer-Reviewed Papers

“İnsan Olmak İçin Çaba Göstermek Gerek” [“Being Human Requires Strive”], KESK’in Sesi Özel Sayısı, March 2017, pp. 28-29.

“Universal Message Sent from Taksim: Hier Stehe Ich und Kann Nicht Anders”, Open Democracy, December 2013.

“Hukukun Temel İlkesi Olarak Evrensel İnsan Hakları” [“Universal Human Rights as the Grounding Principle of Law”], Odtülüler Bülteni 202, December 2010, pp. 22-23.

Book Reviews

“Kant’s Politics in Context by Reidar Maliks”, Contemporary Political Theory, 2015.

“Terrorism and Counter-Terrorism: Ethics and Liberal Democracy by Seumas Miller”, Political Studies Review 9(3), September 2011, s.404.

“Hobbes’ Behemoth: Religion and Democracy by Tomaz Mastnak (ed.)”, Political Studies Review 9(2), May 2011, p.230.