Prof. Dr. Markus Patberg

Otto Suhr Institute of Political Science
Center for Political and Legal Theory
Visting Professor
Room 224
14195 Berlin
Markus Patberg is Visting Professor for poltical and legal theory in winter term 2024/25. Patberg has been at the University of Hamburg since 2013 and has spent research periods at the London School of Economics and Political Science and University College London. His work focuses on democratic theory, constitutional theory and international political theory. His current projects deal with disengagement from international institutions and the digital transformation of democracy.
Link to his homepage in Hamburg:
15041 Proseminar
Basic Concepts of Political Theory: Current Debates
Schedule: Monday, 12-14h (Class starts on: 2024-10-14)
Location: Ihnestr. 22, Seminarraum UG 3
15431 Seminar
Global Constitutionalism: Crisis and Renewal
Schedule: Monday, 14-16h (Class starts on: 2024-10-14)
Location: Ihnestr. 22, Seminarraum UG 2
Patberg, Markus (forthcoming). What is Social Media’s Place in Democracy? In: The Review of Politics.
Patberg, Markus/Ahlhaus, Svenja (2023). Exit-Politik als Regression. Wider den souveränen Voluntarismus. In: Leviathan 51/40 (special issue), 170-192.
Patberg, Markus (2020). Constituent Power in the European Union. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Patberg, Markus (2020). Can Disintegration Be Democratic? The European Union Between Legitimate Change and Regression. In: Political Studies 68/3, 582-599.
Patberg, Markus (2016). Against Democratic Intergovernmentalism. The Case for a Theory of Constituent Power in the Global Realm. In: International Journal of Constitutional Law 14/3, 622-638.