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Alumni of the Center for European Integration


Visiting Professors

Prof. Dr. Mareike Kleine, Visiting Professor
Associate Professor of EU and International Politics at London School of Economics

Prof. Dr. Claudio Franzius, Visiting Professor
Director of the Research Department for European Environmental Law at University of Bremen    

Prof. Dr. Simon KoschutVisiting Professor
Professor of International Security Politics at Zeppelin University Friedrichshafen

Prof. Dr. Andrea Ribeiro Hoffmann, Visiting Professor
Professor at the Institute of International Relations at Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro

Prof. Dr. Susanne Buckley-Zistel, Visiting Professor, Research Staff, Project Manager with External Funding
Chair Representative and Visiting Scholar Professor of Peace and Conflict Studies and Executive Director of the Center for Conflict Research at Philipps University of Marburg

Prof. Dr. Eva Heidbreder, Visiting Professor
Professor of political science with a focus on governance in the European multi-level system at Otto-von-Guericke University of Magdeburg

Dr. Aron Buzogany, Visiting Professor, Research Staff and Doctoral Student
Assistant Professor at the Institute for Forest, Environmental and Resource Policy at University of Soil Culture Vienna

Dr. Oriol Costa Fernández, Visiting Professor
Research Staff and Assistant Professor at Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona   


Research Staff

Kaja Kreutz, Research Fellow and personal referent for the Speaker of the Cluster of Excellence "Contestations of the Liberal Script" (Prof. Dr. Tanja A. Börzel)

Dr. Andreas Hofmann, Research Staff
Assistant Professor for European Union Studies at Leiden University

Dr. Eric Stollenwerk, Research Staff and Coordinator, research project EU-LISTCO and DFG Collaborative Research Centre (SFB) 700 "Governance in Areas of Limited Statehood"
Research Fellow, Institute for Afrika Studies, Research Project “Freedom and Development? Religious Actors, Freedom of Religion and Ideology and Sustainable Development“ at German Institute for Global and Area Studies GIGA

Aurora Bergmaier, Research Staff, research project EU-LISTCO
Policy Officer at European External Action Service

Dr. Karoline Eickhoff, Research Staff
Researcher in the project "Megatrends Afrika: Implications and Options of Action for German and International Policy" at German Institute for International and Security Affairs SWP

Dr. Marlien Schlaphoff, Research Staff and Coordinator
Associate Political Affairs Officer at United Nations Department of Peace Operations 

Sven Hilgers, Research Staff, research project: International Politics “Lending as a Two-Level Game: Troika-Debtor Negotiations in the Eurozone.“
Policy Officer at Federal Ministry of Finance and Deputy Chair of FDP Berlin

Dipl.- Pol. Judith Winkler, Research Staff
Policy Officer at Federal Ministry for Education and Research

Dr. Julia Langbein, Deputy Professor, Research Staff and Coordinator
Research Staff and Director, research focus "Political Economy and Integration" at Center for East European and International Studies ZOIS

Elyssa Shea, scientific Coordinator, research project EU-STRAT
Doctoral Student at King's College London 

Prof. Dr. Henk Erik Meier, Research Staff, Research Fellow of the German Research Foundation DFG
Professor for Social Sciences of Sports at the Institute for Sports and Exercise Sciences at University of Münster

Lisa Thormählen, Research Staff                

Prof. Dr. Cathleen Kantner, Research Staff
Professor for International Relations and European Integration at Institute for Social Sciences, University of Stuttgart

Dr. Charalampos Koutalakis, Research Staff
Senior Postdoctoral Fellow, Head of Project "Regulatory Reforms in Croatia" at Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GIZ

Dr. Amelie Kutter, Research Staff, Project and Team Coordinator
Academic staff in the Master of European Studies program at European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder) and Speaker of the group Discourse Research at German Political Science Association DVPW

Yasemin Pamuk, Research Staff, research project Collaborative Research Centre (SFB) 700 “Governance in Areas of Limited Statehood”
First Secretary at German Embassy Rabat

Dr. Karin Pieper, Coordinator, Activities of the interdisciplinary JMCE "The EU and its Citizens" - Workshops, Winter Method School, Round Table Discussion
Committee Officer at Berlin Senate Department for Economics, Energy and Public Enterprises

Andreas Stahn, Research Staff, project Collaborative Research Centre (SFB) 700 “Governance in Areas of Limited Statehood”        

Dr. Sabine von Oppeln, Research Staff
Scientist at Otto Suhr Institute for Political Science, focus on EU and German-French Relations, Freie Universität Berlin


Doctoral Candidates

Dr. Lunting Wu, 2023
Lecturer at Berlin School of Economics and Law

Dr. Oleksandra Keudel, 2021
Associate Professor, Graduate Department of Social Sciences and Humanities at Kyiv School of Economics

Dr. Stephan Lutzenberger, 2020               
Director of studies at Europäische Akademie Otzenhausen

Dr. Ann-Sophie Gast, 2019                 

Dr. Jason Hyungsup Han, 2019      

Dr. Louisa Opitz, 2019    
First Speaker for ESG and Rating, section Capital Markets at NRW.BANK

Dr. Maria Debre, 2018               
Professor for International Relations at Zeppelin-Universität Friedrichshafen

Dr. Corinna Krome, 2018              
Manager at Utopia Lüneburg

Dr. Luisa Linke-Behrens, 2018              
Head of Department for Digitalisation and Controlling at Bezirksamt Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf Berlin

Dr. Ganyi Zhang, 2018               
Political and Economic Analyst at GEODIS

Dr. Harrison Kalunga Mwilima, 2017                      
Lecturer of Europe-Africa Relations at Centre international de formation européenne & Lecturer at Berlin School of Economics and Law

Dr. Moritz Knoll, 2016                

Dr. Bidzina Lebanidze, 2016                    
Associate Professor of International Relations at Ilia State University Tbilisi; Senior Analyst at Georgian Institute of Politics & Research Staff at Institute for Slavic and Caucasian Studies, Friedrich Schiller University Jena

Dr. Mathis Lohaus, 2016             
Research Staff on the project „TRANSNORMS - Translating International Norms between the Global and the Local“ at Freie Universität Berlin

Dr. Sören Stapel, 2016              
Research Staff at Center for International Relations, Freie Universität Berlin

Dr. Kai Striebinger, 2015                   
Group Leader at Berlin Senate Department for Labour, social affairs, equality, integration, diversity and anti-discrimination

Dr. Natalie Welfens, 2015, Doctoral Candidate, University of Amsterdam
Postdoctoral Researcher, Centre for Fundamental Rights, Hertie School    

Dr. Christine Hackenesch, 2015                 
Researcher in the programme "Inter- and transnational cooperation" at German Institute of Development and Sustainability

Dr. Imke Pente, 2014               
Country Coordinator Malawi & South Africa at KfW Development Bank

Dr. Stefan Skupien, 2014                        
Scientific Coordinator for Open Science at Berlin University Alliance

Jun.- Prof. Dr. Digdem Soyaltin, 2014                       
Assistant Professor for Politics and Public Policy at University of Aberdeen

Dr. Esther Thomas, 2014
Water Stewardship Managing Technical Consultant at Environmental Resource Management; ERM Alliance for Water Stewardship

Dr. Ieva Grumbinaite, 2014, Doctoral Candidate, European University Institute
Senior Researcher, PPMi         

Dr. Esther Ademmer, 2013                     
Department Manager at Regional Direction Hessen, Federal Agency for Employment

Dr. Torben Heinze, 2013
Administrative Director at Leibniz-Institut für Neurobiologie Magdeburg

Dr. Joo Hee Kim, 2013                 

Dr. Alexander Kleibrink, 2013                     
Senior Policy Officer at Federal Ministry for Education and Research

Dr. Aron Buzogany, 2012
Assistant Professor at Institut für Wald-, Umwelt- und Ressourcenpolitik Wien

Prof. Dr. Gözde Yilmaz, 2012
Professor in International Relations at the Atilim University in Ankara

Dr. Wiebke Wemheuer- Vogelaar, 2012, Doctoral Candidate, Berlin Graduate School for Transnational Studies BGTS     

Dr. Christian Grobe, 2011              
Co-Founder of Billie (fintech startup)

Prof. Dr. Pamela Luckau, 2011            
Professor für Communication and Leadership at SRH Fernhochschule – The Mobile University & Founder and Managing Director at Pamela Luckau Mentalkompass GmbH

Dr. Andres Pennycook Castro, 2011                    
Professor for Public Law at Universidad Gabriela Mistral, Chile

Dr. Hui-Yin Sung, 2011               

Dr. Meike Dudziak, 2010                       
Director of usage controlling and strategic market research, Central and regional library Berlin

Prof. Dr. Jana Hönke, 2010              
Professor for Sociology in Africa at the University Bayreuth

Dr. Nicole Kranz, 2010               
Cluster Coordinator „Climate Change and Disaster Risk Management“ at GIZ

Dr. Anna Kristin Müller-Debus, 2010               
Director at European Climate Hub

Prof. Dr. Vera van Hüllen, 2010
Managing Director at German Political Science Association (DVPW) & Adjunct Professor at Leuphana Universität Lüneburg

Prof. Dr. Sandra Eckert, 2009              
Professor for Comparative Politics at Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg

Dr. Osvaldo Saldías, 2009              
Director of the Department "Projects in the Framework of International Cooperation" at the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees

Dr. Mathias Großklaus, 2008, Doctoral Candidate, Graduate School of North American Studies, Freie Universität Berlin
Program Director Rural Mobility and Local Supply, neuland21     

Dr. Swantje Renfordt, 2008, Doctoral Candidate and Research Staff, Kolleg Research Group „The Transformative Power of Europe“  

Prof. Dr. Diana Panke, 2007               
Professor for International Relations at Freie Universität Berlin

Dr. Carina Sprungk, 2007                       
Head of Appointments & Tenure Track Programme at Executive Board of Europa-Universität Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder)


Student Assistants

Michelle Bender
Phuong-Ha Nguyen
Sophia Klumpp
Felix Vosse   
Lukas Müller-Wünsch     
Maria-Sophia Dellasega          
Max Schneider, Projekt EU-STRAT
Onno Steenweg         
Fiona Merkl   
Sarah Pfaffernoschke, Projekt EU-STRAT
Jakob Wigand
Tobias Hübler  
Laura Milchmeyer      
Anna Rother  
Felix Rüdiger
Maksim Roskin  
Markus Sattler  
Nóra Szabó   
Ruben Kremers
Janne Schulitz
Lars Schäfer

This list of Alumni and their current positions is not intended to be exhaustive. 2022.