Prof. Dr. Sven Chojnacki

Chair of the Research Unit Peace and Conflict Studies
Room 201
14195 Berlin
Office hours
Via the secretariat: Ms. Judith Schmidt,
Sven Chojnacki has been Vice President of Freie Universität Berlin since 2022. Due to this activity, only limited capacities are available for the supervision of theses.
Vice President of Freie Universität Berlin (VP3)
Speaker of the Center for Interdisciplinary Peace and Conflict Research (INTERACT)
Co-organizer of the interdisciplinary Dual Use Working Group at the FU Berlin
Head of the Department of Peace and Conflict Research at the Otto Suhr Institute for Political Science
Committee work and joint tasks
Dean of the Department of Political and Social Sciences (2021-2022)
Chair of the Examination Board (2017-2021)
Chair of the ABK (2009-2013)
Coordination of curriculum planning (2015-2017)
Member of the Institute Council (2007-2008, 2011-2018)
Member and Deputy Chair of the Examination Board (2006-2008, 2011-2016)
Member and Deputy Chair of the Doctoral Committee (2009-2021)
Member of the Commission for the Award of Doctoral Scholarships (NaFöG) for the Department of PolSoz (2019-2021)
Member of the Joint Commission on the Ethics of Security-Related Research (Charité, FU Berlin, 2022-
Scientific stations
University Professor of Comparative Politics and Peace and Conflict Studies (since 2009)
University Professor for International Politics and International Society at the Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel (CAU) and Director at the Institute for Social Sciences at the CAU Kiel (2008-09)
Junior Professor for International Peace and Security Policy at the Department of Political and Social Sciences at the Free University of Berlin (2005-08)
Research Associate at the Social Science Research Center Berlin (WZB), International Politics Research Group (1999-2005)
Doctorate (Dr. phil.) from the Department of Political and Social Sciences at the Free University of Berlin (1999)
Scholarship holder of the DFG within the framework of the Research Training Group "The New Europe. National and International Dimensions of Institutional Change" (1995-1998)
Studied political science, philosophy and history at the University of Hanover (1986-1994)
- Lecture on the introduction to peace and conflict research: "How do I get peace?"
- FKF colloquium: "From the idea to scientific work"
- Changing forms of war
- Transnational dynamics of violence and flight
- Autonomy and control of migration
- Representations of gender and violence
- Postcolonial and feminist approaches in peace and conflict research
- Performative approaches in peace research
- Member and Chair of the Examination Board (2006-2008, 2011-2021)
- Coordination of curriculum planning (2015-2017)
- ABK Chair at the Otto Suhr Institute (2009-2013)
- Co-organization of the Open Lecture Hall on the Ambivalences of Science as part of the interdisciplinary Dual Use working group
- Speaker for the German Foundation for Peace Research "Das Lernen Lehren"
- "The researchers peace = ?". A project with the GRIPS Theater (2018)
- Playing with the crisis: A project with the Deutsches Theater Berlin and the Ernst Busch Drama School (2014)
- Coordinator and sponsor of the student project krisenspiel (2004-2014)
- "LorBär" (2004) for outstanding teaching at the Otto Suhr Institute (OSI)
War: concepts and theories
Changing forms of war (including the automation of warfare)
Transnational conflict dynamics and interdependencies
Critical migration and border research
Space, power and knowledge: Violent cartographies
Ambivalences of the sciences (dual use problems, research ethics)
Conflict theories (including post- and decolonial theories, feminist approaches)
Phenomenology of violence (structural, symbolic and epistemic violence)
Methodological foundations of peace research ("contested concepts")
Forms of knowledge production (use, limits and consequences of knowledge, reflexivity)
Research activities (selection)
Establishment and spokesperson of the Center for Interdisciplinary Peace and Conflict Research (2019-)
European Network for Conflict Research (ENCoRe), Management Committee (2012-2016), COST Action (IS1107)
Collaborative Research Center (SFB 700) "Governance in Areas of Limited Statehood, Project Leader Subproject C2 (2006-2013)
"Local conflict dynamics: Environmental change, food crises and violence in sub-Saharan Africa", German Foundation for Peace Research (2010-2014)
Expert activities
e.g. European Journal for International Relations, International Studies Review, International Interactions, Global Society, Political Geography, Geopolitics, Security Dialogue, Zeitschrift für Internationale Beziehungen, Zeitschrift für Friedens- und Konfliktforschung, Die Friedenswarte
Expert reviewer for e.g. German Foundation for Peace Research (DSF), German Research Foundation (DFG), Thyssen Foundation
- Frieden, Konflikt, Krieg, Sicherheit, neue Kriege, Bürgerkriege, Resolution, Transformation, Otto-Suhr-Institut, FU Berlin, Peace, Conflict, Security, War, Civil War, Sven Chojnacki