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Crisis Simulation


The crisis simulation is a project autonomously organized by students that is having a fifteen year long tradition at the FU Berlin.

It consists of an interdisciplinary seminar in which a preparation on the specific topic of the crisis is provided, often by guest lecturers who are experts of the particular crisis region. Towards the end of the term, the actual crisis is simulated on a weekend workshop. The students represent either civil society or political actors in the crisis (politicians, diplomats, rebel groups, staff of international organizations etc.) or members of the press team, who produce hourly newscasts during the simulation. 

The crisis simulation provides an interactive mode of seminar and an alternative concept of education. The aim of the project is to help students understand the dynamics and processes that take place during a conflict through self participation as an actor. As a social event, the crisis simulation provides a contrasting concept to the routine methods of study at the university.

SFB 700