Prof. Dr. Andrea Ribeiro Hoffmann
![Andrea Ribeiro Hoffmann](/en/polwiss/forschung/international/jpeuropa/Team/Alumni/Ribeiro_Hoffmann/Andrea_Ribeiro_Hoffmann.png?width=350)
Freie Universität Berlin
Otto-Suhr-Institute for political sciences
Visiting Assistant Professor for European Integration
Room 121
14195 Berlin
Office hours
Office hours are generally held Tuesdays from 16-17h.
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From 2003-2008 she was tenured Assistant Professor in the Instituto das Relações Internacionais (IRI) at the PUC-Rio. Between 2008 and 2010 she held a Teaching Fellowship in the Department of International Relations at the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) and from 2011-2012 she was Visiting Professor of International Relations in the Department of Economic, Social, and Legal Science (Staatswissenschaftliche Fakultät), University of Erfurt.
(2004) Foreign Policy of the European Union towards Latin American Southern Cone States (1980-2000): Has it become more cooperative? Cases of Foreign Direct Investment and Agricultural Trade. Frankfurt a.M.: Peter Lang.
(2004) Organizações Internacionais. História e Práticas, co-authored with Mônica Herz. Rio de Janeiro: Campus/Elsevier.
Edited Volumes
(2007) Closing or Widening the Gap? Legitimacy and Democracy in Regional Integration Organizations, co-editedwith Anna van der Vleuten. Hampshire: Ashgate Publishing Group.
Peer Reviewed Journal Articles and Book Chapters
(2013) Hegemoniale Rivalität? Brasilien, China und die US Hegemonie in Lateinamerika, co-authored with Alexander Brand, Susan McEwen-Fial, Wolfgang Muno. In Der Aufstieg der großen Schwellenländer. Edited by Andreas Nölke, Christian May and Simone Claar. VS Verlag Serie Globale Politische Ökonomie.
(2013) The Politics of Interregionalism: Relations between International Regional Organizations, co-authored with Anna van der Vleuten. In Handbook of International Organizations. Edited by B. Reinalda. Routledge.
(2013) Gender in EU-South American relations. In Mapping gender norm dynamics. Gender, Regions and Norms: debunking Eurocentrism. Edited by Anna van der Vleuten and Anouka van Eerdewijk. Palgrave Mcmillan.
(2013) O processo de institucionalizacao dos direitos humanos no Mercosul e as comunidades epistemicas. In Mercosul – 21 Anos: Maioridade ou imaturidade? Edited by E. Resende and M.I. Mallman. Curitiba: Ed.Appris.
(2011) Entre la política del poder y la utopía: una perspectiva brasileña sobre el papel internacional de Europa. Aldea Mundo, 31.
(2011) Een verklaring voor de handhaving van democratie door regionale organisaties: de EU, Mercosur en SADC. Rubrieken (summary article), co-authored with Anna van der Vleuten. Res Publica 53(1).
(2010) Explaining the Enforcement of Democracy by Regional Organizations: Comparing EU, Mercosur and SADC, co-authored with Anna van der Vleuten, Journal of Common Market Studies, 48(3), 737-758.
(2010) Between Power Politics and Utopia: a Brazilian perspective on European international role.” In The study of Europe. Edited by Hauke Brunkhorst and Gerd Groezinger. Baden Baden: Nomos.
(2010) Promoviendo la democracia en el Mercosur: retos teóricos, institucionales y políticos. In Direitos Humanos, Democracia e Integracao Jurídica na América do Sul. Edited by Armin von Bogdandy, Mariela Morales and Flavia Piovesan. Lumen Juris, Rio de Janeiro.
(2010) Regional Governance in Latin America: Institutions and Normative Discourses in the Post-Cold War Period, co-authored with Monica Herz. In International Management and International Relations: a critical perspective from Latin America. Edited by Guedes, Ana and Alex Faria. Abingdon, UK, New York: Routledge.
(2009) Alexander Wendt. In Os Clássicos das Relações Internacionais. Edited by Marcelo Medeiros et al. São Paulo: Editora Ucitec.
(2008) Indicadores e Análise Multidimensional do Processo de Integraçao do Cone Sul, co-authored with Marcelo Coutinho and Regina Kfuri. Revista Brasileira de Política Internacional 51(2), 98-116.
(2007) Raio X de la Integracion Regional en Mercosur.” Co-authored with Marcelo Coutinho and Regina Kfuri. Cuadernos sobre Relaciones Internacionales, regionalismo y desarrollo 3(4), 97-123.
(2007) O processo de institucionalização da condicionalidade política na União Européia e sua eficácia como um instrumento de promoção da democracia.” Co-authored with Danilo Marcondes. Contexto Internacional 29(2), 337-362.
(2007) Political conditionality and democratic clauses in the EU and Mercosur.” In Closing or Widening the Gap? Legitimacy and Democracy of Regional International Organizations. Edited by Andrea Ribeiro Hoffmann and Anna van der Vleuten. Hampshire: Ashgate Publishing Group.
(2007) Legitimacy, Democracy and RIOs: Where is the Gap? In Closing or Widening the Gap? Legitimacy and Democracy of Regional International Organizations. Edited by Andrea Ribeiro Hoffmann and Anna van der Vleuten. Hampshire: Ashgate Publishing Group.
(2007) Os Investimentos Externos na Política de Cooperação da EU. In Regulamentação Internacional dos Investimentos: algumas lições para o Brasil. Edited by Alberto do Amaral and Michelle Ratton. São Paulo: Editora Aduaneiras.
(2005) Avaliando a influência das organizações regionais de integração sobre o caráter democrático dos regimes de seus Estados-Partes: o caso do Mercosul e o Paraguai. Cena internacional 7(2), 83-92.
(2004) Relações Internacionais e Direito Internacional: uma nova geração de colaboração interdisciplinar?, co-authored with Igor M.S. Abdalla. In O Direito Internacional e o Direito Brasileiro. Edited by Wagner Menezes. Curitiba: Unijuí.
(2003) A política externa da União Européia para os países do Cone Sul na área de investimentos externos diretos. In Direito Internacional e da Integração. Edited by Luiz Olavo Pimentel. Florianópolis: Fundação Boiteaux.
(2002) The foreign policy of the European Union towards Mercosur in historical perspective.” Cena Internacional 4(2), 68-86.
(2001) A imigração alemã e seu impacto nas relações comerciais Brasil-Alemanha.” Contexto Internacional 23(1), 133-166.
Peer Reviewed Book Reviews
Review of The United States and Mexico: between partnership and conflict, by Jorge I Dominguez and Rafael Fernandez de Castro. New York, Routledge, 2nd edition (2009). In Cambridge Review of International Affairs 23(4) (2011), 630-631.
Review of O interesse e a regra, ensaios sobre o multilateralismo, by Gelson da Fonseca Junior Sao Paulo: Ed.Paz e Terra (2008). In Brazilian Political Science Review (2010), 129-132.
In preparation
Human Rights in Mercosur: last but not least. To be published as a chapter in Governance Transfer by Regional Organizations. Edited by Tanja Börzel and Vera van Hüllen, under contract with Palgrave.
Interregionalism. To be published as a chapter in Oxford Handbook of Comparative Regionalism. Edited by Tanja Börzel, David Levi-Faur, Thomas Risse, under contract with Oxford University Press.
EU Democracy Promotion in Latin America: much ado about nothing?. To be published as a chapter in The substance of EU Democracy Promotion. Edited by Anne Wetzel and Jan Orbie, under contract with Palgrave.