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Green Jobs: Employment Effects of a Green Economy

May 01, 2013 — Sep 30, 2013
Study on the existing empirical evidence regarding the employment impacts of a shift to a green economy as well as related policy instruments
In the past years, the concept of a green economy has gained considerable importance in international policy debates. In this discussion, the employment effects of such a shift to more environmentally-friendly forms of production and consumption play a key role. To inform its strategy for promoting green jobs in developing and emerging countries, the German development agency, GIZ, has commissioned the Policy Assessment Group of the FFU to conduct the study, entitled "Green Jobs: Employment Effects of a Green Economy". The study provides an overview of the existing empirical evidence regarding the quantitative and qualitative impacts of a green economy, in particular in developing and emerging countries. In addition, it provides an anaysis of key policy instruments for promoting a green economy and their potential employment effects.