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The political economy of e–mobility. An analysis on the potentials and obstacles in the transformation to a sustainable transport policy in Germany and the European Union


Environmental Policy Research Centre


Fritz Thyssen Foundation

Nov 01, 2017 — Apr 30, 2021
+49 30 838 58628 and +49 30 838 56689

In the last years, numerous technical, social and political impulses have been set for an expansion of electro-mobility. The technological progress of providers such as Tesla, the introduction of quotas for electric vehicles as in China, the so-called “diesel affair” or the imposed ban on new registrations of combustion engines in some European countries create a tremendous pressure on the automobile manufacturers for innovating. In addition, lifestyles and demands for mobility are changing and self-driving cars are being tested. The transformation towards a more electro-mobility based transport system is therefore linked to competing interests and differing values. Furthermore, it is also associated with other social developments such as digitalization.

The research project aims to gain an integral, politically and economic well-founded understanding of the dynamics of change towards e-mobility in Germany and Europe. In doing so, conflicts in Germany and at a European scale will be analyzed and interdependencies in the European multi-level system identified. In analyzing conflicts over the transformation of transport systems, special attention will be given to the security of resource policy in socio-technological change. To establish this link, Neo-Gramscian perspectives are combined with the approaches of the Global Value Chain (GVC) and the Global Production Network (GPN).



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