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Deepak Sharma

Deepak Sharma

student / TERI University

1 January – 31 March 2011

Course of Study – MBA (Infrastructure)

Place of Study – TERI University New Delhi

Title of Project – Policy Assessment and Strategy Development for Biomass


Deepak Sharma is a student of MBA Infrastructure at TERI University, New Delhi specializing in Energy and Finance. His broad areas of interest are Energy Policy, Sustainable Business Strategy and Economics of Regulation. He did his summer internship at UOP, A Honeywell Company in Gurgaon, India on Demand Forecasting of Oil and Gas Markets in India till 2020 and Overview of petrochemical markets in India during the period May- July 2010.He has graduated in Electrical Engineering from Nagpur University, India.

The project that he intends to do at the Environmental Policy Research Centre, Freie University Berlin is to assess the policies and develop strategies that have resulted in increased energy usage from biomass in the field of electricity, transportation fuels and heating. The project seeks to identify different policy instruments used to promote biomass, different actors and stakeholders involved in the entire process and in wake of new policy developments in biomass, what has been the private sector response to the opportunities and challenges that biomass presents. The project would be executed by conducting interviews with experts from different sectors i.e. corporate sector, biomass association, government institutions, environmentalist and NGO’s. The output of the project will be to develop strategy for effective biomass utilization to increase the share of renewables in India’s energy mix and avoid constraints based on Germany’s experience in this sector.