What is the 'Studierendenbericht' of the DFH?
The re-enrolment form contains a form titled 'Studierendenbericht' (student report form). This means that students who were previously enrolled at the partner institution or a third country can only re-enrol once they have submitted a report of their prior studies. Students who are required to do so, will be informed during the re-enrolment process, as soon as they have entered their names and date-of-birth in the online form. You will be granted full-access to the re-enrolment form, once you have submitted the report.
NOTE: Validation of your report does not complete the re-enrolment process!
All students who are about to embark on their studies abroad should complete the report, even if they have already completed their studies and are not required to re-enrol at the DFH.
The report form will be of importance once you are scheduled to re-enrol at the FU.
A section on frequently asked questions (FAQs) can be found here.