How do I enrol at the Deutsch-Französische Hochschule (DFH)?
In addition to enrolling at the Freie Universität Berlin, you must also enrol at the Deutsch-Französische Hochschule (DFH).
You must enrol online at
The enrolment and re-enrolment forms can be found on the website under 'Studierende' (étudiantes) and then 'Einschreibung' (inscription en ligne). On the same page you will also find more detailed information on the enrolment process.
The deadline for enrolment at the DFH will be in September of each year. This is the authoritative deadline! No exceptions will be made. Students that have not enrolled (or re-enrolled) at DFH by this deadline may not apply for DFH mobility grants.
Students that are completing their internships must also (re-)enrol.
Advice on filling out the DFH enrolment form:
- The difference between enrolment and re-enrolment: Enrolment (Immatrikulation) is what new students do when they first enrol at DFH or when they first enrol in a new degree programme.
- Choice of home institution (Heimathochschule): Here you need to select your institution based on whether you have been formally designated as a Science Po, HEC or FU student.
- Partner institution (Partnerhochschule): This refers to the institution at which you will spend your time abroad. If you are formally designated a FU student then your partner institution will be the respective French institution.
- Course choice (Wahl des Studiengangs): Please make sure that you choose the correct course, i.e. the correct partner institution and the correct degree level (the name of the course will appear for each course).
If you have received notice that you are to enrol as an FU student, you will need the following reference numbers for your enrolment:
(These reference numbers are only for formally designated FU students!)
- For students on the Masters program in Public Policy & Management with HEC Paris: A05D-09 (FU Berlin / HEC Paris --- Public Policy & Management
- For students on the Masters program in Political Science - Affaires internationales/ affaired européennes: A10D-08 (FU Berlin / IEP Paris --- Political Science - Affaires internationales/ affaires européennes)
- For students on the dual Bachelors program Political Science - Sciences Sociales: S01D-013 (FU Berlin / IEP Paris --- Politik- und Sozialwissenschaften)
Should you be formally enrolled as a Sciences Po or HEC student, please inquire with the respective University regarding the reference number for enrolment in the DFH.