Our Partners
Sciences Po Paris
The Dual Degree Master’s programs “Politikwissenschaft – Affaires européennes” and “Politikwissenschaft – Affaires internationals” and a Dual Degree Bachelor’s program are offered in cooperation with Sciences Po Paris as well as its Paris School of International Affairs (PSIA) and Paris School of Public Affairs, as well as Sciences Po Paris (Campus Nancy). Sciences Po was founded as Ecole Libre des Sciences Politiques in 1871 and is the largest institute for political and social sciences in France. 10,000 students participate in Bachelor’s, Master’s and PhD programs, the preparatory courses for the concours of ENA and the European Unionin addition to a large number of further education programs. 40% international students, many dual degree programs and a worldwide network of partner universities confirm the international outlook of Sciences Po. Sciences Po Paris is part of the project Université Sorbonne Paris Cité, which successfully participated in the French excellence initiative. The high-profile alumni network of Sciences Po includes numerous French top-ranking politicians, such as Jacques Chirac, Ségolène Royal, Emmanuel Macron, and François Hollande who studied at both Sciences Po and HEC.
HEC Paris
The Dual Degree Master’s program in „Public Policy & Management” is offered in cooperation with HEC Paris. HEC was founded in 1881 and as the Grande Ecole for Business and Management is the top address for business schools in France, as well as being a leading business school in Europe. Over 3,400 students and 8,500 managers and professionals from 98 countries profit from a variety of specialized Master’s programs, MBA- and PhD-programs and various international further education programs. Many well-known figures from business and politics have studied at HEC, e.g. the former EU-Commissioner and current Director-General of the World Trade Organization, Pascal Lamy, François Hollande, Valérie Hermann (CEO Yves Saint Laurent) and Baudouin Prot (CEO BNP Parisbas). HEC Paris is part of the project Université Sorbonne Paris Cité, which successfully participated in the French excellence initiative. 44,000 alumni in 113 countries as well as the Alumni Association of HEC form an internationally active network and provide contact opportunities for current students.