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Jun.-Prof. Dr. Daniel Drewski


University of Bamberg

Institute of Sociology

Junior Professorship for Sociology of Europe and Globalization

Assistant Professor

Edwin-Redslob-Straße 29
Room 1OG - 06
14195 Berlin

Curriculum Vitae

  • Since 2019 Postdoc in the project “Debating the Legitimacy of Borders”, Cluster of Excellence “Contestations of the Liberal Script”, Freie Universität Berlin
  • 2019 Young Scientist Fellowship, German Studies Center, Peking University
  • 2018 to 2019 Research associate in the project “Lost between Cultures? Emotional Ambivalences in Name Giving Practices of Migrants”, SFB 1171 “Affectice Societies”, Freie Universität Berlin
  • 2016 to 2019 Research associate at the Chair of Macrosociology, Institute of Sociology, Freie Universität Berlin
  • 2015 to 2019 PhD at the Berlin Graduate School of Social Sciences (BGSS), Humboldt Universität Berlin. Topic: “Europeanization and symbolic boundaries among European elites”
  • 2014 to 2017 Research associate in the DFG-project "Transnational Human Capital and Social Inequality”, Freie Universität Berlin
  • 2011 to 2014 Master in Sociology – European Societies, Freie Universität Berlin. Topic: “Media Discourses on the Euro Crisis in Germany and Spain”
  • 2012 to 2013 Exchange student at the Department of Sociology, Indiana University Bloomington, USA
  • 2008 to 2011 Bachelor in Social Sciences, Humboldt Universität Berlin

Research Interests

  • Sociology of European integration
  • Migration and borders
  • Social and symbolic boundaries
  • Qualitative methods, discourse analysis



Drewski, Daniel (forthcoming, 2021): National and regional symbolic boundaries in the European Commission: Towards an ever-closer union? London/New York. Routledge.

              *Dissertation prize 2020 of the German Sociological Association (DGS)

Journal articles (peer reviewed)

Drewski, Daniel & Julia Tuppat (2021): Migration and the plurality of ethnic boundary work: A qualitative interview study of naming practices of migrants from former Yugoslavia in Germany. Ethnicities (online first).

Drewski, Daniel (forthcoming, 2021): EU-Osterweiterung und symbolische Grenzziehungen: Eine qualitative Fallstudie der Beamt*innen der Europäischen Kommission. Zeitschrift für Soziologie 50(2).

Drewski, Daniel, Jürgen Gerhards & Silke Hans (2018): National Symbolic Capital in a Multinational Environment. An Exploratory Study of Symbolic Boundaries at a European School in Brussels. Innovation: The European Journal of Social Science Research 31(4), 429-448.

Gerhards, Jürgen, Silke Hans & Daniel Drewski (2018): Global Inequality in the Academic System: Effects of National and University Symbolic Capital on International Academic Mobility. Higher Education 76: 669-685.

Drewski, Daniel, Jürgen Gerhards & Silke Hans (2017): Symbolische Grenzziehungen und nationale Herkunft. Eine explorative Studie über Distinktionsprozesse an einer multinationalen Schule in Brüssel. Berliner Journal für Soziologie 27(1): 65-92.

Gerhards, Jürgen, Silke Hans & Daniel Drewski (2017): Zentrum und Peripherie im globalen Wissenschaftssystem. Wie das symbolische Kapital von Universitäten die internationalen Mobilitätschancen von Soziologiestudierenden beeinflusst. Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie 69(1): 131-147.

Gerhards, Jürgen, Silke Hans, Sören Carlson, Daniel Drewski (2017): The Globalisation of Labour Markets: A Content Analysis of the Demand for Transnational Human Capital in Job Advertisements. Soziale Welt 68(1): 25-44.

Drewski, Daniel (2015): Has there been a European Public Discourse on the Euro Crisis? A Content Analysis of German and Spanish Newspaper Editorials. Javnost - The Public 22(3): 264-282.

Other publications

Drewski, Daniel (forthcoming, 2021): National and regional symbolic boundaries among EU elites: A qualitative interview study of the higher officials of the European Commission. Soziologie 50(2).

Drewski, Daniel, Jürgen Gerhards (2020): The Liberal Border Script and its Contestations. An Attempt of Definition and Systematization. SCRIPTS Working Paper No. 4, Berlin: Cluster of Excellence 2055 “Contestations of the Liberal Script – SCRIPTS”.

Drewski, Daniel (2018): Die Don Quijoterien der Deutschen Ideologie. In: Marx-Engels Jahrbuch 2017/18: 167-179.


Debating the legitimacy of borders (with Jürgen Gerhards) (winter term 2019/20, MA Sociology, FU Berlin)

Sociology of European integration (winter term 2017/18 & 2018/19, MA Sociology, FU Berlin)

Sociology of Elites (summer term 2017 & 2019, MA Sociology, FU Berlin)

Sociology of Pierre Bourdieu (winter term 2016/17, summer term 2018, MA Sociology, FU Berlin)

Globalisation, social inequality and the formation of a transnational social class (with Jürgen Gerhards) (summer term 2015 &2016, MA Sociology, FU Berlin)