Marta Kozłowska M.A.

TU Dresden
bei MIDEM (Mercator Forum Migration und Demokratie) am Lehrstuhl für Politische Theorie und Ideengeschichte
As of April 1, 2018
Academic Qualifications
- since March 2014 PhD student in Sociology at Freie Universität Berlin.
Working title of the dissertation: The Meanings and Applications of the Concept of Solidarity in the Post-war Manifestos of German Political Parties - 2009-2012 student of Sociology - European Societies at Freie Universität Berlin; Master thesis: "Measuring national identification. An empirical test of a multidimensional model of national identification", supervisors: Prof. Dr. Christian von Scheve, Prof. Dr. Dieter Ohr
- 2006-2012 student of Sociology at Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan, specializing in the sociology of the united Europe; Master thesis: "Transmigrants. The acculturation strategies of young Polish migrants to Germany", supervisors: Prof. dr hab. Krzystof Podemski, Prof. dr hab. Rafał Drozdowski
- 2004-2009 student of European Studies at the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan, Master thesis: "The relations between the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) and the European Communities"; supervisors: Prof. dr hab. Jan Sandorski, Prof. dr hab. Tadeusz Gadkowski
Work Experience
- November 2012 - March 2018 research associate and lecturer at the Chair of Macrosociology (Prof. Dr. Jürgen Gerhards), Institute of Sociology, Freie Universität Berlin
- 2011-2012 student research assistant at the German Socio-Economic Panel Study (SOEP), German Institute for Economic Research (DIW)
- 2010-2012 student research assistant at the Cluster of Excellence "Languages of Emotion", Freie Universität Berlin, Project "Embodying the Nation: Collective Emotions and National Identification. Lessons from the 2010 FIFA World Cup"
Research Interests
- Social integration and solidarity
- Political conflict in the society and cleavage theory
- Language of politics
- Political philosophy
- Sociology of Europe and emergence of European society
- Collective identity and identification processes
- European integration
- Sociology of Europe
- Development of scales and measurement tools
Articles in Peer-Reviewed Journals
- von Scheve C., Ismer S., Kozłowska M., Solms-Baruth C. (2017) 'Rituals, Emotional Entrainment and National Identification: A Cross-National Study around the European Football Championship'. Comparative Sociology, 16(5), pp. 585-612.
- von Scheve C., Beyer M., Ismer S.,Kozłowska M., Morawetz C. (2014) ‘Emotional Entrainment, National Symbols and Identification: A naturalistic study around the Football World Cup’. Current Sociology, 62(1), pp. 3-23.
Working Papers
- von Scheve C., Kozłowska M., Ismer S., Beyer M. (2014), National Identification: A multidimensional Scale Based on a Three-Country Study, Berlin Studies on the Sociology of Europe (BSSE) No. 29.
Articles in Edited Volumes
2017 ‘Language in the Service of Politics: Examples from Germany and Poland’ in: Priesmeyer-Tkocz Weronika (Hg.): ‘Common Values. Discussing German and Polish Perceptions of European Integration’, Schriftenreihe des Arbeitskreises Europäische Integration e.V., Nomos 2017: 217-237.
2010 ‘Reproductive Rights as Fundamental Rights. The Problems of Legal Protection in Poland’,in: Kosinskiy O., Koysin A., Kravcov R., Moskwa L., ‘ПравосудиевРоссийскойФедерациииПольше:проблемытеорииипрактики’ [Justice in the Russian Federation and Poland: problems of the theory and practice], Irkutsk:Irkutsk State University Press, pp. 93-103
2009 ‘How many Europes? A piece about numerous borders of European identity’ in: Moskwa L. (ed.), ‘Unia Europejska – członkostwo Polski, partnerstwo Rosji. Европейский Союз – членство Польши, партнерство России’ [European Union – the Membership of Poland, the Partnership of Russia], Poznań: Ars Boni et Aegui, pp.63-72.
2007 ‘Społeczny obraz negocjatora’ [The social image of a negotiator], in: Kaczmarek R., Żabicki P. (ed.), ‘Psychologia biznesu. Negocjacje, komunikacja, podejmowanie decyzji’ [Psychology of business. Negotiations, communications and decision-making], Poznań: Rebis.
- 2008 with J. Padaenko and N. Sullivan, ‘A Dangerous Compromise. The Battle of Reproduction Rights in Poland’.
- "Introduction to European Integration" (Module 1, WiSe 2017/18)
- "Social and political cleavages in Europe" (Module 5, SoSe 2017)
- "Solidarity and Integration in Europe" (Module 2, WiSe 2016/17)
- “Collective Identity in the European context” (Module 5, SoSe 2016)
- "Unterschiedliche Formen Europäischer Integration” (Module 1, WiSe 2015/16)
- “Introduction to Data Analysis with SPSS” (Preparatory Course, SoSe 2015)
- “Solidarity and Integration in Europe“ (Module 2, WiSe 2014/15)
- “Introduction to Statistical Computing using SPSS” (Preparatory Course, SoSe 2014)
- together with Jürgen Gerhards: "The End of the European Dream? People’s beliefs on the causes and solutions of the European crisis and their readiness for transnational solidarity" (Research Practicum, WiSe 2013/14)
- "Preparatory Course: Introduction to Social Scientific Research at the FU Berlin" (WiSe 2013/14)
- "Introduction to Social Scientific Research at the FU Berlin" (Prepatory Course, WiSe 2013/14)
- "Region, nation, Europe: collective identity in the European context" (Module 5, SoSe 2013)
- 4 December 2017: 'Populismus in Deutschland und Polen – Ähnlichkeiten und Unterschiede (Populism in Germany and Poland – Similarities and Differences'), Impulse for a debate ‘Populist Rhetoric in Poland and Germany’, Das Progressive Zentrum, Berlin
- 21 September 2016: 'Language in the service of politics: examples from Germany and Poland', Conference ‘Common values: argument, counter-argument and courses of action in German and Polish policy on Europe‘, European Academy Berlin, September 20-22, 2016, Berlin
- 7 April 2016: 'Young people between Poland and Germany, Polish-German Project ‘Youth Shaping the Future of Europe: 25 Years of German-Polish Experience’', April 6-10, 2016, Berlin
- 16 November 2015: 'Okiem socjologa. Dlaczego wspólne działanie na emigracji się opłaca i czy Polakom z różnych generacji w Berlinie jest razem po drodze?' [On Polish migrants from a sociological perspective: why does it pay off to cooperate and is such a cooperation among various generations of Poles in Berlin possible?], Conference ‘Między Polską a Niemcami w Europie. Jak Polacy radzą sobie w dobie transnacjonalizacji?’ [Between Poland and Germany in Europe. How are Poles coping with transnationalization?’], Berlin
- 27 June 2015: 'Political Concepts of Solidarity: a New Cultural Cleavage? Content Analysis of Party Manifestos in Germany', 5th General Conference of the European Political Science Association, 25-27. June 2015, Vienna
- 21 June 2014: ‘Measuring National Identification: Development and Test of a Multidimensional Scale across Three Countries’, 4th General Conference of the European Political Science Association, Panel ‘Public Opinion and Knowledge’, 19-21. June 2014 Edinburgh
- 13 September 2013: ‘Young Polish migrants in Germany as an example of intercultural interaction’ [in Polish], 15th Congress of the Polish Sociological Association, thematic group ‘Intercultural contacts of Polish citizens’, 11-14. September 2013, Szczecin
- 12 October 2012: ‘Collective emotions influence the perception of nation-related symbols: Evidence from a German survey around the FIFA WorldCup 2010’,Midterm-Conference of the European Sociological Association, RN 11 Sociology of Emotion, Max Planck Institute for Human Development and Excellence Cluster ‘Languages of Emotion’ of the FU Berlin, 11.-13. October 2012, Berlin
- 12 September 2012: ‘Transmigrants. An Overview of the Youngest Generation of Well Educated Polish Migrants to Germany’. Symposium ‘Identities and Modernizations – Being a Youth Matters’, Identities and Modernization International Conference, Institute of Philosophy, Adam Mickiewicz University, 12 – 15. September 2012, Poznan