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Admission Requirements

Admission depends on your grades and the number of applicants.

Indispensable requirements are:

  • A Bachelor of Arts degree (or equivalent) with at least 60 ECTS (European Credit Transfer System) credits of course contents in Sociology. 60 ECTS credits are equivalent to approximately one year of full-time study or one third of the degree’s courses.
    Please note: The 60 ECTS must be acquired within a Bachelor degree. ECTS acquired outside of a Bachelor degree can ususally not be counted for admission.
  • At least 20 ECTS credits (out of the total of 60 ECTS) in the field of methods of empirical social sciences, 10 ECTS of which must be quantitative methods.

  • English proficiency at level C1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.

    > Which certificates will be accepted as a sufficient proof of my English language skills?