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Which documents definitely have to be submitted during the application process?

  • diploma/graduation certificate including a list of courses (ToR, Transcript of Records) with grades for individual examinations, credit points/hours and a final grade (!)
  • respectively Transcript of Records/preliminary up-to-date course list including credit points/hours and average grade (!)
  • proof of English proficiency (according to accepted proofs and certificates)

All applicants who have completed their degree at a higher education institution outside of Germany must also attach a Diploma Supplement to the degree certificate when applying. The Diploma Supplement contains descriptions of the national grade scale and gives an overview over the specifics of the respective national education system. The Diploma Supplement is issued by the higher education institution from which you received your first degree. Additional information can be found here: https://europass.europa.eu/en/learn-europe/diploma-supplement

In case that the higher education institution at which you have studied cannot provide a Diploma Supplement, please enclose a letter to your application documents that describes the specifics of the national grade scale of the country. You may also refer to a website that contains the required information.

Please do not attach a letter of recommendation, a letter of motivation or your CV to your application form. In the selection process these documents are not required and therefore will not be considered.

Please note: This might not be a complete and conclusive list of all required documents. Depending on your country of origin or the type of certificates, additional documents might be required. For this, please follow the instructions of the application portals and please ensure submitting your documents in due time and as required (via post mail/e-mail, uploaded files; as officially certified copies etc.).